智慧机场引领旅行“后疫情”时代智慧机场引领旅行“后疫情”时代( 三 )

此举有望分散航站楼内的客流 , 满足旅客目前在“社交距离”方面的新需求 。
Not only does off-site processing reduce the number of passengers at  the terminal, It can also assist airports in meeting new passenger expectations surrounding social distancing by dispersing traditionally crowded terminals and checking in passengers at strategically placed off-site locations.
机场和航司也通过为旅客提供更多在值机和行李托运方面方式、时间、地点的选择 , 打造更为个性化旅行体验 。
It also works to personalize the journey for the traveler as it offers more choice in how, when and where they check-in and drop off their bags.
Mega airports will become destinations in themselves

乘客、航线和非航空收入竞争正促使机场运营商重新思考其发展运营走向 。
Competition for passengers, airline routes, and non-aeronautical revenues are already driving innovative players to rethink what the airport of the future could look like.
展望未来 , 随着中国与亚太地区机场不断的扩建与完善 , 机场需进一步提升竞争力 , 满足旅客的全新期望 。
Looking ahead, we’re going to see the expansion of airports in China to be more competitive against airports elsewhere in Asia, as well as to meet new customer demands.
随着旅客需求的不断变化 , 在未来 , 机场应更具体验性于一身 , 并最终成为旅游目的地本身 。
As travelers are offered more choice, airports will have to become more experiential and ultimately a destination themselves in the upcoming future.
在现有设施的基础上 , 机场可通过运用自动化技术、生物识别技术和场外值机解决方案满足旅客的全新期望 。
As airports look to utilize their existing infrastructure, terminals will begin to see automation, biometrics and off-airport check-in as viable solutions to address evolving passenger expectations.
目前 , 机场正加大对高效技术的运用 , 随着这些技术将日臻完善 , 机场有望不断提升旅客体验 , 并以智慧机场为开端 , 真正打造出无摩擦的旅行体验 。
The good news is that airports are seeing the benefits  of these new efficient technologies and the technology itself will only get better to continue to improve the traveler’s journey – ultimately allowing airports to lead in providing a frictionless travel experience.
采访人员:陈颐 朱琳
本文内容系原创 , 转载请注明来源 。
