智慧机场引领旅行“后疫情”时代智慧机场引领旅行“后疫情”时代( 二 )
In the long term, by automating the airport experience, travelers can have more time to relax and unwind before a flight. With the time they save, travelers can further explore the airport and its retail and food and beverage outlets, making airports more experiential, rather than purely functional.
Biometrics will be more prominent
为更好地管理客容量 , 不少机场选择押注生物识别技术提高吞吐能力 , 简化客运流程 。
To further manage passenger flows across the terminal, airports can invest in biometric technology to adjust throughput while streamlining the passenger journey.
目前 , 生物识别技术正广泛地被亚太地区机场所运用 , 澳洲航空即对悉尼机场航站楼中所有的旅客接触点包括值机、行李托运、休息室使用和登机手续等进行了相应的技术测试 。
Biometrics are being widely implemented in airports across the Asia-Pacific region. Australia’s Qantas Airways is an example where an airline tested the technology for all touchpoints across the terminal at Sydney Airport, including check-in, bag-drop, lounge access, and boarding processes.
作为有助于简化流程 , 实现无摩擦旅行的关键技术 , 本次疫情期间 , 生物识别技术也发挥了其在确保公共卫生安全方面的效力 。
Ultimately, biometrics are a key component in enabling frictionless travel, allowing passengers to enter a lounge, check-in, and board their aircraft all via facial recognition. The technology can also be helpful in the current environment.
武汉机场在“重启”后就为其机场公安配备了AI生物扫描头盔 , 确保执勤人员能在安全范围内无接触自动筛查乘客体温 , 2分钟内即可完成100余人情况的排查记录 。
Wuhan Airport, which has recently re-opened to the public after the city lockdown, is piloting the AI-powered biometrics scanner that does temperature checks on passengers. It can measure up to one hundred people in just 2 minutes.
随着旅客对“接触”的愈发小心 , 以及在隐私安全方面信心的增加 , 生物识别技术或将进一步助力“无接触”旅游体验 ,
As passengers become more conscious of touchpoints at the airport, and feel confident their privacy and security are not compromised, biometrics can also facilitate contactless travel.
而面部识别亦有望在未来取代护照及登机牌的手动检查流程 。
Imagine replacing traditional touch checks such as passport and boarding pass scans, with a touchless scan of a passenger’s face.
Off-site passenger handling will become the norm
此外 , 机场也将探索场外客运服务 , 以期在未来为旅客更好地打造无缝体验 。如“快闪”值机和异地行李托运等服务 。
Airports can also explore off-site passenger handling to offer a seamless airport experience, this can be done through pop-up check-in and baggage drop services.
场外客运服务可部署在其他相关地点 , 诸如火车站、邮轮码头、赛事场馆、酒店及会场等 。
Off-site processing can be deployed in more convenient locations away from the airport, such as railway stations, cruise terminals, conference venues, sporting events, and hotels.
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