Jimmy's Note
吉米老师前言:今天吉米老师和大家分享一篇有关梦的双语文章 , 让你对梦有更深入的了解 , 尤其在和别人分享梦境的时候 , 其实对你来说 , 梦的意义非凡 , 但对别人来说却并非如此 , 究竟为什么呢?
译者:WinterZhang 原文作者:Jim Davies
Why You Shouldn't Tell People about Your Dreams?
I had a friend who tried hard to remember more of her dreams. She’d write them down and then tell people about them. She stopped, though, because it started interfering with her social life. She'd start talking about her dreams and people would leave the room.
我有一个朋友 , 她总是尽力尝试记住自己做的梦 。 她把梦境写下来并且告诉别人 。 但她后来改掉了这个习惯 ,因为这开始影响她的社会生活 , 每当她聊起梦时 , 人们就会选择离开 。
There are two major theories about why we dream. The first is the activation- synthesis theory, which holds that dreams are interpretations by our forebrains of essentially random activity from the spinal cord and cerebellum during sleep, especially REM sleep.
关于梦境产生原因的理论有两个: 第一个是激活合成理论 , 这个理论主张梦是睡眠中 , 尤其是在异相睡眠中前脑对随机活动的感知和理解 , 这些活动的根源来源于脊髓和小脑 。
Part of the explanation for why dreams can be so weird is that they are interpreted from chaotic information. The evolutionarily older parts of our brains are also the seat of our basic emotions. According to this theory, the emotion comes first and dreams are made to make sense of the emotion. Evidence of this comes from scene-changes that happen: when we have anxiety dreams, for example, they often switch from one anxious situation to a different one—so rather than us feeling anxious because of the content of our dreams, it could be that our feeling is causing an anxious narrative in the dream!
至于梦境为何如此离奇 , 一部分是因为它们的诠释信息是杂乱的 。 我们大脑中不断进化的旧零件也是我们基本情感的酝酿基础 。 根据这个理论 , 首先产生情感 , 梦想赋予它们意义 。 这一理论的证据来自于情景变化:当我们做焦虑的梦时 , 比如 , 情景往往会从一个焦虑的情形转换为另一个情形——因此 , 不是因为梦境的内容让我们感到焦虑 , 而是我们的感觉在梦境中创造了一个焦虑的故事 。
The other major theory of dreaming is “threat simulation theory,” which holds that the evolutionary function of dreaming is for us to practice how to behave in threatening situations. There's a lot of evidence for this theory too.
关于做梦的另一个主要理论是“ 模拟威胁理论” , 这个理论主张 , 做梦的进化功能让我们练习如何应对威胁的情境 。 关于这个理论的证据也有很多 。
First, most dream emotion is negative. Also, people tend to dream of ancestral threats: falling, being chased, natural disasters, and so on. These frightening elements are overrepresented in dreams—that is, we see them in dreams much more than our experience in our day-to-day world would predict. Lots of people dream of being chased by animals, but how often does this actually happen to people? The overrepresentation of animals chasing us in dreams, especially for children, suggests that we have some innate fear of them. In contrast, we don’t dream of modern threats, such as heart attacks, as much as you’d expect if dreams were based on the problems we actually face in today’s world.
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