四川嘉玉宝阁拍卖|【精品推荐】光绪银包瓷聚宝盆赏析( 二 )

聚宝盆在清代盛世是财力、物力、人力权力的象征 。 此聚宝盆雕工精湛 , 包银厚重 , 古朴典雅 , 寓意吉祥 , 由外到内均彰显 了皇室贵族的显赫地位 , 存世至今 , 实为难得 , 具有非常高的收藏价值及升值空间 。
【四川嘉玉宝阁拍卖|【精品推荐】光绪银包瓷聚宝盆赏析】In the Flourishing age of Qing Dynasty, corsage basin was a symbol of financial, material and human power. This corsage basin has exquisite carving, thick silver, simple and elegant, and auspicious meaning. It shows the prominent status of the royal family from outside to inside. It is rare and has a very high collection value and appreciation space.
