聚宝盆 , 是中国民间故事中的一个宝物 。 传说明初沈万三致富原因聚宝盆是由于拥有聚宝盆 。 “明初沈万三微时 , 见渔翁持青蛙百余 , 将事锉剞 , 以镪买之 , 纵于池中 。 嗣后喧鸣达旦 , 贴耳不能寐 , 晨往驱之 , 见蛙俱环踞一瓦盆 , 异之 , 将归以为浣手器 。 万三妻偶遗一银钗于盆中 , 银钗盈满 , 不可数计 , 以钱银试之亦如是 , 由是财雄天下 。 ”
Corn-pot is a treasure in Chinese folk tales. It is said that Shen Wansan became rich in the early Ming Dynasty. "In the early Ming Dynasty, Shen Wansanwei saw a hundred frogs, scoring the score, and bought them, using acid, in the pool. Then loud cries followed, and I could not sleep. In the morning I went to him, and when I saw the frogs sitting round in an earthen basin, I used them to wash them. Three wives left a silver hairpin in the basin, silver hairpin full, can not count, to try the money is the same, by the wealth of the world.
文中该光绪年制银釉龙纹聚宝盆为瓷胎 , 敞口 , 折沿 , 深腹 , 高:11.3cm , 直径41cm 。 器型端庄大方 , 胎体厚重 , 整体施银釉 , 釉面温润 , 是目前现存的同类作品中器型较大的一种 , 且品相完好 , 工艺精湛 。 盆底及外壁装饰祥云龙纹 , 龙纹饰刻画精致 , 细节处一丝不苟 , 栩栩如生 , 有聚财好运之意;盆口沿刻有“招财进宝”等吉祥字样 。 底款为篆体“光绪年制” 。 经专家鉴定应为光绪年间官窑 , 皇室贵族专用 , 珍贵无比 , 极具收藏价值 。
In this paper, the Silver-glazed longwen cornet basin of Guangxu system is a porcelain womb, with open, folded edge, deep abdomen, height: 11.3cm, diameter: 41cm. It has a dignified and generous shape, a heavy body, a silver glaze on the whole, and a warm glaze surface. It is one of the existing similar works with a larger shape, and the product is in good condition with exquisite workmanship. The pelvic floor and exterior wall are decorated with auspicious dragon patterns. The dragon patterns are exquisitely carved with meticulous details, which are lifelike and have the intention of accumulating wealth and good luck. The edge of the basin is engraved with auspicious words such as "treasure of fortune". Bottom for the seal "Guangxu year". The expert appraises should be guangxu years official kiln, the royal family noble special, the precious is matchless, has the collection value extremely.
此大清光绪年制“聚宝盆”文明价值及其悠久高昂 , 是一件十分值得保藏的宝藏 。 藏品是光绪年间王公贵族商贾巨富士绅用于招财纳宝的吉利之物 , 普通家庭寻常百姓难得一见 。 整个盆雕刻龙做工精致 , 保护完好 , 价值连城 , 具有很高收藏艺术价值 。
The qing Dynasty Guangxu system "corn-pot" civilization value and its long high, is a treasure worth preserving. During the Reign of Emperor Guangxu, the collection was used by princes, nobles, merchants, tycoons and gentry to attract wealth and treasure. It was rarely seen by ordinary people in ordinary families. The whole basin carving dragon exquisite workmanship, well protected, valuable, has a high collection of art value.
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