瑞典姑娘客观曝光国外疫情被删( 二 )
中国:疫情趋于稳定 , 人们慢慢回到各自的工作岗位 。
The West: F**ing liar! We are seeing numbers in Italy and it clearly doesn“t match data from China! Millions of Chinese people must have died! It”s still spreading!
欧美:骗子!我们看着意大利的数据呢 , 明显和中国的数据不符 , 中国一定死了数以百万计的人 , 病毒一定还在传播 。
Whole Asia: Why do they say masks are useless?
China: Dude ,why are things getting out of control out there? Where are your hospitals and why are you not in total lockdown? Were you just sitting there pointing fingers at me for three months ,and did nothing?
中国:哥们 , 发生了什么 , 国外疫情怎么失控了?医院呢?为什么你不采取封锁措施?难道你们只是坐在那里指责了我三个月 , 什么也没做?
The West: You never told us how dangerous this virus is! Youve been giving us false data the whole time!!
欧美:你们从来没有告诉我们这种病毒有多危险 , 你们一直在虚报数据 。
China: I don“t understand. If you never trusted me ,and when I said it”s a big deal ,you insisted it“s actually a small flu ,why do you maintain that millions of people must have died in China? If you think the number of deaths must be very high ,doesn”t that indicate it“s a dangerous virus and you should be prepared? How could you believe millions of people have died ,but at the same time not recognizing it”s dangerous?
中国:搞不懂 。 当我说这是一个大麻烦时 , 你从来不相信我 , 坚称这只是一个小流感 , 那你为什么又认定中国死了数以百万计的人?如果你这么认为 , 不正意味着它是一种极其危险的病毒 , 而你早就该做好准备?你怎么能一边觉得我这死了那么多人 , 一边又认识不到病毒的危险?
The West: It“s only a big deal in a backward country like yours ,where people are poor and unhygienic ,where the medical system is still in the 50”s ,where the government covers up figures and doesn“t alarm people 【as to】 how dangerous it is! It shouldn”t affect advanced countries like us!
欧美:只有在你们这种落后的国家 , 这种事才变成大灾难 , 你们又穷又不讲卫生 , 医疗设施仍处于50年代 , 你们的政府掩盖事实 , 怕引起恐慌 。 在我们这样先进的国家 , 病毒是不会产生大影响的 。
China: But it is with you and killing your people now!! Do something about it so you can still save lives!!
中国:但现在病毒开始在你们的国家传播 , 杀死你们的国民!行动起来吧 , 还有可能亡羊补牢 。
The West: Not before we found everything we can blame on you!! It“s too late for us to do something now ,people will just die and ually we”ll have herd immunity ,but you must take full responsibility for it!
欧美:那也得先找到各种能甩锅给你们的理由才行 。 我们现在做什么都来不及了 , 反正人都要死 , 最后我们都能获得群体免疫 。 而你 , 必须承担全部责任 。
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