瑞典女子艾米·布罗姆奎斯特Amie Blomquist在脸书上发贴“How China “LIED” to the world!中国是如何“欺骗”世界的”为中国“打抱不平”引来大批网友围观 。
贴文以时间轴形式回顾过去4个月中国应对新冠肺炎疫情所做的措施 , 驳斥了欧美国家的猜疑、指责 。 一起来看这篇贴文:
China: OK theres a new virus. From now on no one moves around. If you go out ,you must wear a mask. Nationwide lockdown and quarantine policies implemented.
中国:发现一种新病毒正在传播 , 大家没事尽量不要出门 , 如果出门一定要戴口罩 。 全国停工、居家隔离 。
The West: Don“t trust anything these f**ing commies say! It”s just a flu! They are trying to control everyone“s life! There”s no need for masks.
欧美:不要相信他们 , 只不过是流感罢了 。 他们这是想要控制别人的人身自由 , 根本没必要戴口罩 。
Asia: Lets take measures ,wear masks and control frontiers.
亚洲:我们要行动起来 , 大家戴口罩 , 控制边境 。
China: Start building hospitals so the medical system doesnt get overwhelmed.
中国:开始建方舱医院 , 以免医疗不堪重负 。
The West: Its a concentration camp! They are murdering people out there! They are untrustworthy!
欧美:这是一个集中营 , 他们是在 , 不要相信他们!
Asia: We keep our distance and security high.
亚洲:我们要注意保持安全社交距离 。
China: We are experiencing a surge of patients and this virus is super infectious via air and physical contact. We are also experiencing a shortage of medical supplies and medical practitioners. Pulling everything from the country to Wuhan.
中国:这种病毒传染性很强 , 可以通过空气和肢体接触传染 。 我们的患者数量激增 , 医疗物资和医护人员紧缺 。 举全国之力支援武汉 。
The West: Look how backward they are ,not even having enough PPE for their doctors and nurses. They are clearly wrong about the method of transmission ,that“s why they are ng everyone wear masks. They”ve even locked down the country and stopped the economy. What a bunch of idiots.
欧美:看看他们是多么落后 , 甚至没有足够的个人防护用品给他们的医生和护士 。 他们显然搞错了病毒的传播途径 , 所以他们让每个人戴口罩 , 甚至封锁了整个国家 , 停止了经济运转 , 一群 。
Whole Asia: Are those Western countries gonna do something?
China: Numbers are reducing. People are slowly getting back to work now.
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