西非漫谈马里共和国历史概述,马里最新版国家概况( 三 )

2021年3月,电子科技大学西非研究中心入选教育部高校国别和区域研究备案中心 。
研究对象:以加纳、贝宁、塞内加尔等重点西非国家为主的西非国别研究 。
研究领域:中国-西非政治、经济与社会发展、公共管理、教育、文学、文化等领域研究;中国-西非经贸合作;中国-西非政府间关系研究 。
西非研究中心联合加纳5所高校成员单位、电子科技大学西非校友会和加纳中华工商总会 , 着力打造集留学生人才培养基地、学术交流平台、西非研究智库为一体的“1+1+1”中非合作新模式,即:
1. 构建一个人才培养基地 。中心将协助拓展来华留学生的西非生源,丰富电子科技大学本科、硕士、博士多层次留学生培养体系;开展西非海外干部培训、师资培训、定制化ICT与工程培训、学生暑期实践项目等,致力于构建集学历教育、在职培训、实训实践为一体的多元化、特色化的海外人才培训基地;帮助中资企业培养本土化人才,解决经济与社会发展问题 。
2. 搭建一个学术与文化交流平台 。通过定期举办“西非论坛”等国际性学术会议、中非友谊·学术文化交流月 , 推广文化资源3D平台海外落地展项目、中国-西非国际产学研合作项目,致力于搭建集学术、人文、科技等多领域的中非交流与合作平台,提升中国高校、企业在非洲影响力与文化软实力 。
3. 建立一个西非研究智库 。中心结合海内外成员单位的学科优势与研究特色,致力于西非经济、政治、人文交流的研究,加强与加纳“伊曼尼政策教育中心”(全球智库排名113)、“统计、社会和经济研究院”(全球智库排名164)等西非智库组织合作,加强联合研究、发布与承接西非研究课题 , 为中国政府及西非国家提供政策咨询,在教育与人才培养、科技服务、经济与企业管理及公共与政治管理等方面为国家提供高水平智库服务,发展成为具有一定影响力的西非研究智库中心 。
西非成员单位:加纳大学、加纳海岸角大学、加纳行政管理学院、加纳温尼巴教育大学、加纳发展大学、西非校友会 。
电子科技大学成员单位:公共管理学院、经济与管理学院、外国语学院、国际教育学院、马克思主义教育学院、科学技术发展研究院、机械与电气工程学院、信息与软件工程学院 。
通讯地址:成都市高新区(西区)西源大道2006号电子科技大学清水河校区西非研究中心综合楼450办公室 。
AboutCenter for West African Studies of UESTC
1. Introduction
TheCenter for West African Studies of University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China (CWAS of UESTC) is a research center jointly established byUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), University ofGhana (UG), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana Institute of Management andPublic Administration (GIMPA), University of Education, Winneba (UEW), andUniversity for Development Studies (UDS) in April 2017. The Center is based inthe School of Public Affairs and Administration at UESTC and is headed byProfessor ShuRong Zhao.
Theestablishment of CWAS is an important initiative of UESTC to pursue China’s“Philosophy and Social Sciences ‘Going Global’ Strategy” and a beneficialpractice for UESTC to build an international interdisciplinary research systemand a new type of high-level “Think Tank”.
InMarch 2021, the CWAS of UESTC was accredited by the Ministry of Education ofChina as the Center for National and Regional Studies for Universities.
2. Research Direction
Research Targets: Focusing on Ghana, Benin, Senegal, and othermajor West African countries and West African regions.
Research Areas: China-West Africa politic science, economic andsocial development, public administration, education, literature and culture,etc.; China-West Africa economic and trade cooperation; China-West Africaintergovernmental relations.
3. Mission and Goals
TheCenter for West African Studies, together with five member institutions ofuniversities in Ghana, UESTC Alumni in West Africa for West African Studies,and the Ghana Chinese Chamber of Commerce, strives to create a "1 + 1 + 1"new research model of China-Africa cooperation, which integrates a TalentTraining Base, an Academic Exchange Platform and a Think Tank for West Africanstudies. It aims to:
(1) To serve as a Talent Training Base. TheCenter helps to expand the source of international students from West Africaand enrich the multi-level international student training system of UESTC forundergraduate, master, and doctor. Also, it carries out overseas cadretraining, teacher training, customized ICT and engineering training, and summerpractice programs for students in West Africa, and devotes itself to building adiversified and distinctive overseas talent training base which integratesacademic education, on-the-job training and practical training, and cultivateslocal talents for Chinese enterprises to address economic and socialdevelopment problems.
