英语词汇though和yet用法归纳 though的用法


英语词汇though和yet用法归纳 though的用法


句子再现1. Not all ads play tricks on us though.
2.This statement tries to fool you into assuming that the toothpaste cures bad breath, yet it does not say that!
渗透语法一、 though作副词,意为“尽管如此”、“然而”、“不过” 。如:
She promised to phone. I heard nothing, though.
1. 作副词用的though往往位于句末(如上例),前面常有逗号,但有时也可不用逗号 。如:
If you like sports that you can do on your own, then try dancing, shooting or aerobics (有氧活动). Some of these are very tiring, though.
He often makes mistake资源网s. I don't think he is a foolish boy though.
2. 如果句子较长,though也可以置于句子中间 。如:
There's no excuse, though, for hurting her feelings.
二、 though作连词,意为“虽然” 。如:
Though we are poor, we are still happy.
1. though作连词引诱妥协状语从句时可以与although换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式,但作副词时却不可用although替代though 。如:
Though / Although the work is hard, I enjoy it.
The work is hard; I enjoy it, though. (此句不可用although)
2. 不可在同一句中既用though又用but表现转折,二者只可选用其一 。如:
他以为我太好说话了,不过也没关系 。
He thinks I'm too easy-going, but it doesn't matter.
He thinks I'm too easy-going; it doesn't matter though.
英语词汇though和yet用法归纳 though的用法


三、 yet作副词用法 。
1. yet作副词,意为“已经”、“至今”、“仍然” 。通常用于否认句和疑问句中及用于表现疑惑的动词之后,且通常位于句末 。如:
Is your mother back yet?
I don't want to go away yet.
2. 副词yet有时与情态动词连用,意为“迟早”、“早晚” 。如:
We may win yet.
四、 yet作连词用法 。
1. yet作连词表转折,意为“但是”、“然而” 。如:
He said he would be late, yet he arrived on time.
2. 连词yet有时可与并列连词and或but连用,构成习语and yet和but yet,且两者大致同义(均相当于表转折的but)?
Everyone thinks that this is a simple method, but yet he can't believe it.
3. 连词yet不仅可以衔接两个句子,也可以衔接两个形容词,可译成“却” 。如:
It is completely waterproof (防水的), yet light and c资源网omfortable.
4. although / though, while, even if不能与表现转折的but连用,但是可以与yet连用 。如:
Although / Though we have made some progress, yet we still have a long way to go.
While they are my neighbors, yet I don't know them well.
英语词汇though和yet用法归纳 though的用法


巩固练习完成下列句子 。(每空一词)
1. 她答应要打电话来,可我没听到回信 。
She promised to phone. I heard nothing, ________.
2. 我仅在外三年,可我几乎认不出我自己的家乡了 。
I've been away only for three years, ________ I can ha资源网rdly recognize my hometown.
3. 我们虽然取得了些提高,但还是远远不够的 。
________ we have made some progress, ________ we still have a long way to go.
4. 他虽然是个差劲的活动员,但没有理由解雇他 。
He's a bad player. There's no reason, ________, to fire him.
5. 她开快车去机场,可还是误了飞机 。
She drove very fast to the airport, ________ ________ she missed the plane.
【英语词汇though和yet用法归纳 though的用法】
