什么是PPE? ppe是什么意思啊
IAS16和其他准则的关系大多数资产类的准则都会包括最根本的3方面内容:recognition,measurement和de-recognition 。RecognitionPPE,作为企业最常见的资产,在recognition的时候,须要满足以下的条件:?Itispossiblethatfuture
大多数资产类的准则都会包括最根本的3方面内容:recognition,measurement和de-recognition 。
?It is possible that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity
?The cost of the asset can be measured reliable
?The entity has control ove资源网r the asset
其实以上的两个条件也和IAS 1-framework中对asset recognition根本请求一致:
?第一,作为资产,他能够为企业带来根本的经济好处,这个经济好处可懂得为在企业运作进程中,给企业带来直吸收益或者能在企业运营中有应用价值 。
?第二,要计量进财务报表,依据framework的根本请求-measurable,这个价值本身要可被计量,并且计量相对可靠 。
?第三,企业对资产有所有权 – 不过这个处所所有权强调的不是法律层面(legal form),而是本质性的所有权(substance)
1. Purchase price
2. Any cost directly attributable to bring the asset to the current location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operation in the manner intended by management
3.The initial estimate of the cost of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located
关于这个处所的purchase cost计量,大多数时候为现金交易金额,但我们也有一些特别情形:
Sharebased payment (IFRS 2) - 企业在购买PPE的时候,可以以股票或者其他情势equity instrument作为consideration(对价) 。依据IFRS 2规定:
?Ifthe fair value of the good or service can be measured reliable, the transaction would be measured at the fair value of the goods and services received at the date they were received.
?If the fair valueof the good or servicecannot be measured reliable, the transaction wouldbe measured at the value of the equity instruments at the grant date.
Governmentgrant (IAS 20)–企业在购置固定资产的时候,也可能会收到政府补助 。依据IAS 20规定:
?Capital-related grant can either be deducted from the cost of the asset or can be recorded as adeferred income and amortized through the useful life of the asset.
Lease(IAS 17) –企业在购置固定资产的时候也可能是通过融资租赁(finance lease)的情势,依据IAS 17规定,企业须要做以下计量:
?Leased asset and liability should be capitalized by the lessee, at the lower of the Fair value of the leased asset or the present value of minimum lease payments.
?Lessee should charge the depreciation expense to income statement, and depreciated over the shorter of its useful life or the lease term (including secondary lease period),and if the asset would be transferred from lessor to lessee at the end of the lease period,depreciation would be based on the useful life of the asset.
在斟酌dismantling and removing cost部分的时候,因为大部分的cash flow实际产生的时光在未来,所以在进行计量的时候要应用present value,而不能直接用cash flow 。当然,有惯例的须要斟酌企业在计量的时候还要斟酌是否须要计量environmental provision(IAS 37) - 在此中,企业重要斟酌这个处所是否存在一个相干的责任–contractual obligation(法律或者法规规定),or constructive obligation(企业具有较高的环保意识或社会义务感) 。
Measurement依据IAS 16规定,企业可选择用cost model 和revaluation model两种计量法 。
在cost model计量法下面,请求企业对相干资产的remaining useful和residual value做惯例的review,一旦其产生变动须要在计量depreciation的时候,用调剂后的remaining usefullife或者residual value –此调剂和IAS 8 (Changes in accounting estimates)规定一致: The effect of achange in an accounting estimate must be recognized prospectively, by including it in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the current period and any future periods that are also affected.
企业也可以选择用revaluation model计量PPE.在revaluation model下,企业须要斟酌以下:
1.The entity should review the sufficient regularly
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