If you have cash on hand, you have the capital to start your own business and do what you like.
事实证明,在这个世界上其实有一个人是为你而来 。
As a matter of fact, there is actually a person in this world who comes for you.
大多数没有经过长时间建立的关系都不算数,也经不起任何运气的考验 。
Most relationships that haven't been established for a long time don't count and can't stand the test of any luck.
廖一梅说,人的一生中,找到爱和性并不难,难的是找到理解,这种真诚的理解是彼此最好的契合,可以让彼此的旅程一直轻松下去 。
Liao Yimei said that it is not difficult to find love and sex in a person's life, but it is difficult to find understanding. This sincere understanding is the best fit for each other, which can make each other's journey always easy.
事实证明,好的爱情不仅仅是接受对方给予的东西,而且还要学会给对方温暖 。
Facts have proved that good love is not only to accept what the other party gives, but also to learn to give warmth to the other party.
她已经准备好了千言万语,所以不乏与你交谈的话题,她会拿出她所有的热情和耐心,直接或礼貌地打探你的生活,了解你的个性 。
She has prepared thousands of words, so there is no lack of topics to talk to you. She will show all her enthusiasm and patience, directly or politely explore your life and understand your personality.
想象一下,在这种情况下,一个人不会经常回复你的信息 。
【朋友圈优雅句子?朋友圈生活句子深刻让人难懂】Imagine, in this case, a person will not reply to your messages often.
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