Don't think that those who can't let go can't let go either Without water, fish will die, but without fish, water will be clear
Mathematics has an almost infinite abusive language, and it never intersects
坠入爱河并不是要找到完美的伴侣 。相反,它是关于学习如何爱一个不那么完美的人 。
Falling in love is not about finding the perfect partner On the contrary, it is about learning how to love a person who is not so perfect
从现在开始,没有告别,只有分离 。
From now on, there is no farewell, only separation
当你早上醒来时,在你打开窗户之前,打开你沉睡的心灵 。然后外面的风会吹进你的心里 。所以,每一天,首先是要快乐!"
When you wake up in the morning, open your sleeping mind before you open the window Then the wind outside will blow into your heart So, every day, the first thing is to be happy! "
让人失去动力的不是疲倦,而是缺乏理解;让人悲伤的不是沉重的心,而是缺乏反应 。
What makes people lose motivation is not fatigue, but lack of understanding; What makes people sad is not a heavy heart, but a lack of response
因为等待日出必然会让你失望 。但不要错过一丝一毫从山顶上为你准备的风景 。
Because waiting for the sunrise is bound to disappoint you But don't miss the scenery prepared for you from the top of the mountain
太阳底下最好的东西是什么,不是四样东西,而是一样东西:能够爱,能够继续下去 。
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