
朋友圈最有个性的英文短句 , 大彻大悟!
"后来 "这个词概括了所有我们不想改变的事情 , 但这些事情根本就不一样 。


The word "later" sums up all the things that we don't want to change, but these things are totally different
我已经无话可说了!我只能对你说一个词 。有了你 , 你就是一切 , 没有你 , 一切就是你!
I have nothing to say! I can only say one word to you With you, you are everything, without you, everything is you!
我对你没有憧憬 , 如果我对你有憧憬 , 那也是为了你今生的幸福 。

I have no longing for you If I have longing for you, it is for your happiness in this life
我是一个被宠坏的女孩 , 但我会做饭 , 我会洗衣服 , 我会做家务 , 我会工作 , 我的家庭不是那么富有 , 但他们超级、超级爱我 。
I am a spoiled girl, but I can cook, wash clothes, do housework and work My family is not so rich, but they love me very much
【朋友圈个性的好句子英语?朋友圈霸气英文短句】天际线》以日常生活的模样勾勒出许多精彩的瞬间 。录音的碎片化性质使得每一秒都是独一无二的 。

Skyline outlines many wonderful moments with the appearance of daily life The fragmented nature of the recording makes every second unique
一旦一个人不再有希望 , 生命就会停滞不前 。希望的具体表现是形成具体目标和实现目标的动力的愿望 , 并使人乐于履行和实现它 , 从而创造幸福的生活 。
Once a person no longer has hope, life will stagnate The concrete expression of hope is the desire to form a specific goal and the motivation to achieve it, and make people happy to fulfill and realize it, thus creating a happy life
