梵高的颜料用完了,想把夏天的橘子汽水卖给梵高 。
Van Gogh's paint is used up and he wants to sell his summer orange soda to Van Gogh
【朋友圈秒赞语录?发朋友圈被秒赞的正能量句子】我们要在秋天储存浪漫,在冬天呈现浪漫 。
We should store romance in autumn and show romance in winter
一个坚强的女人不是一个可以应付任何事情的女人,而是一个可以无视男人造成的所有伤害的女人 。
A strong woman is not a woman who can cope with anything, but a woman who can ignore all the harm caused by men
抬头看,你会发现上帝,但抬头看,没有上帝,只有黑暗和恐惧 。
Look up, you will find God, but look up, there is no God, only darkness and fear
故事开始于深秋,结束于百花齐放的季节 。
The story begins in late autumn and ends in the season when hundreds of flowers bloom
一个没有野心的人就像一艘没有方向盘的船 。
A man without ambition is like a boat without a steering wheel
明年春天将加倍美丽,在罗城的一个大风天里发出了这样的信息 。
Next spring will be doubly beautiful This message was sent on a windy day in Luocheng
生活中最大的快乐不在于有什么,而在于对有什么的追求 。
The greatest happiness in life lies not in what you have, but in the pursuit of what you have
你必须在阴凉的花园里始终有一把躺椅,十杯冷牛奶唾手可得 。
You must always have a lounge chair in a cool garden and ten cups of cold milk at your fingertips
生活使我们圆滑地滚得更远 。
Life makes us roll further smoothly
"喜欢是件很痛苦的事,"她说,"但我喜欢麻烦 。"
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