让我们低头找个能安抚我的人吧 。否则,无论是自己好好安抚,还是第二天醒来,他都不知道你是怎么熬过昨晚的 。
Let's look down and find someone who can comfort me Otherwise, whether you calm yourself down or wake up the next day, he doesn't know how you got through last night
爱你永远美丽温柔微笑,是我致命的弱点,Love you love you,无论是今生还是来世,我永远爱你 。
Love you always beautiful and gentle smile, is my fatal weakness, Love you love you, no matter in this life or in the afterlife, I will always love you
在这个爱情过剩的时代,“亲爱的”最多只能打个招呼,“下次我带你去吃饭”最多只能表示感谢 。为什么变得太严重了?
In this era of excessive love, "Dear" can only say hello at most, and "I'll take you to dinner next time" can only express gratitude at most Why is it getting too serious?
"再等一会儿,就会出现像傻瓜一样喜欢你的人 。" "不久就会有人保护你十几岁的心,让你再相信一次爱 。" 和 。
"Wait a little longer, and there will be people who like you like fools" "Soon someone will protect your teenage heart and make you believe in love again" And
晚上热得喘不过气来,翻了个身 。窗外,闪电划破了夜晚的黑暗,雷声隆隆,像大炮的轰鸣声传来,令人恐慌 。
【人生的美妙?优美的人生哲理句子,有意境有深度】I was out of breath in the heat at night and turned over Out of the window, lightning pierced the darkness of the night, and thunder rumbled like the roar of a cannon, which made people panic
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