The man who doesn't love you can't understand your past, because he doesn't want to. The man who loves you is different. Because he loves you, no matter what you have experienced in the past, he will not underestimate you.
不管你联系不联系他,他根本不会管这些事 。
Whether you contact him or not, he won't care about these things at all.
她传达给你的信息将会非常特别 。看似平常的话语里,却藏着她的小心翼翼,藏着她对你的关心 。
Her message to you will be very special. In the seemingly ordinary words, she hides her caution and her concern for you.
当你心烦意乱,疲惫不堪的时候,看看这句话,它会帮你一辈子 。
When you are upset and exhausted, look at this sentence, it will help you for a lifetime.
其实不一定要只是暗恋一个人 。暗恋一个人只会委屈你,不能有感情 。
Actually, it doesn't have to be just a crush on someone. Having a crush on someone will only wronged you, and you can't have feelings.
这些都是一个女人深爱的流露,也是她能想到的表达爱的最好方式 。
These are the expressions of a woman's deep love and the best way she can think of to express her love.
她结婚的时候,我有礼物,但是轮到我结婚,她一句祝福的话都没说 。她的孩子喝了满月酒,我带着礼物去拜访 。我后来生了孩子,她只是在 上问了几句 。
When she got married, I had a gift, but it was my turn to get married, and she didn't say a word of blessing. Her child drank full moon wine, and I went to visit with gifts. Later, I had a baby, and she just asked a few words on WeChat.
你,其实早就该醒了 。在你陷得太深之前,把你的心从他那里收回来 。
【干净有气质的文案短句?文案短句干净霸气简短_1】You, in fact, should have woken up long ago. Take your heart back from him before you get too deep.
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