High-level women are often withdrawn, seemingly indifferent, but actually live very clearly.
他可以同时和几个人保持联系 。你以为你是他真正的女朋友,但他从来没有真正认可过你 。
He can keep in touch with several people at the same time. You thought you were his real girlfriend, but he never really approved of you.
茫茫世界,人与人擦肩而过,但真正有缘的人,还是会在命运的安排下相识 。
【心态好格局大的句子,精辟睿智?有格局有魄力的句子】In the boundless world, people pass by each other, but people who are really destined will still meet each other under the arrangement of fate.
在对方身上,你看到了你想要的爱 。这种互相吸引,互相喜欢的感觉真的很难得 。
In the other person, you see the love you want. This feeling of mutual attraction and mutual liking is really hard to get.
生活很苦,生活特别苦 。
Life is hard, life is especially hard.
老话说,家家有本难念的经,家庭生活中难免会有很多不如意的地方 。
As the old saying goes, every family has a difficult experience, and it is inevitable that there will be many disappointments in family life.
你不喜欢和人打交道,甚至抗拒别人进入你的世界 。你只想简单的过自己的生活,尽量不去干涉别人的事情 。
You don't like dealing with people, and even resist others from entering your world. You just want to live your life simply and try not to interfere in other people's affairs.
爱情是强大的,所以我自然想到你的存在,不敢怠慢,生怕你胡乱揣测 。
Love is powerful, so I naturally think of your existence, and dare not neglect, for fear that you will speculate wildly.
遇到厉害的人就变脸,巴结别人,说出自己的不满 。
When you meet tough people, you change your face, curry favor with others and express your dissatisfaction.
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