清晨,给自己一个微笑,种下一天的太阳 。
In the morning, give yourself a smile and plant the next day's sun
人既不是天使也不是野兽 。然而,不幸的是,那些试图表现得像天使的人却表现得像野兽 。
Man is neither an angel nor a beast Unfortunately, however, those who try to behave like angels behave like beasts
烧了一颗星来告别 。
Burned a star to say goodbye
如果你有一个不好的心态,你将永远是一个窝囊废 。
If you have a bad attitude, you will always be a loser
挨着现在,他们在经历成人生活时可以做得,而不必担心未来 。
Next to the present, they can do more when experiencing adult life without worrying about the future
我是那些不幸的人之一,屡屡犯错,往往是事后诸葛亮,活该不开心 。
I am one of those unfortunate people I often make mistakes, often with hindsight, and deserve to be unhappy
【人生哲理读书笔记?人生最经典的哲理】就像童话故事中的仙女一样,春天让一切都恢复了生机,树木发芽,花朵张开笑脸,大地一片绿色 。
Like fairies in fairy tales, spring brings everything back to life, trees sprout, flowers open their smiles and the earth is green
人们总是想知道他们是否属于别人的思想 。
People always want to know whether they belong to other people's thoughts
我爱这个世界上的三样东西:太阳、月亮和你 。太阳是白天,月亮是黑夜,你是我的永恒 。
I love three things in this world: the sun, the moon and you The sun is day, the moon is night, and you are my eternity
杂草遮不住太阳的光芒,困难挡不住勇敢的人 。
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