官皮箱四边起倭角 , 顶盖式 , 盖下双开门 , 门内设四个抽屉 , 底座为整板 , 线条优美 , 精巧实用 。
\"The four sides of the case have short cornerswith a top cover and two doors behind which fourdrawers. The base is made of single-board withelegant lines. The case is fine and functional.
此桌有束腰 , 束腰上镂绦环开光 , 彭牙 , 浮雕灵芝纹 , 六腿三弯带拖泥 。 全腿一体成形曲折三弯 , 更是费材费料 , 雕刻精细 , 稳重中不失秀美 。
【红木|君馨阁红木古典家具 · 黄花梨官皮箱 · 紫檀圆桌】\"The table composed of a low-waist on whichcharacteristic openwork linking circles roundedapron with relief carving of mythic fungus motif.Thesixelegantly shaped cabriole legs terminatingon the floor stretchers. Creating these cabriole legsneed more timbers than usual. The carving is finesteady and graceful.
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