Python 100个样例代码( 七 )

In [10]: print("That isn't a horse")That isn't a horse使用单引号时,需要添加转义字符 :
In [11]: print('That isn\'t a horse')That isn't a horse81 跨行连续输入
符串字面值可以跨行连续输入;一种方式是用一对三重引号:""" 或 '''
In [12]: print("""You're just pounding two...: coconut halves together.""")You're just pounding twococonut halves together.82 数字和字符串
In [13]: 3*'Py'Out[13]: 'PyPyPy'83 连接字面值
In [14]: 'Py''thon'Out[14]: 'Python'84 for 和 else
一般语言 else 只能和 if 搭,Python 中却支持 for 和 else, try 和 else.
for 和 else 搭后,遍历结束便会执行 else
In [29]: for i in range(3):...:for j in range(i):...:print(j)...:else:...:print('第%d轮遍历结束n'%(i+1,))...:第1轮遍历结束0第2轮遍历结束01第3轮遍历结束85. if not x
直接使用 x 和 not x 判断 x 是否为 None 或空
x = [1,3,5]if x:print('x is not empty ')if not x:print('x is empty')下面写法不够 Pythoner
if x and len(x) > 0:print('x is not empty ')if x is None or len(x) == 0:print('x is empty')86. enumerate 枚举
直接使用 enumerate 枚举容器,第二个参数表示索引的起始值
x = [1, 3, 5]for i, e in enumerate(x, 10): # 枚举print(i, e)下面写法不够 Pythoner:
i = 0while i < len(x):print(i+10, x[i])i+=187. in
x = 'zen_of_python'if 'zen' in x:print('zen is in')find 返回值 要与 -1 判断,不太符合习惯:
if x.find('zen') != -1:print('zen is in')88 zip 打包
使用 zip 打包后结合 for 使用输出一对,更加符合习惯:
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']values = [1, 3, 5]for k, v in zip(keys, values):print(k, v)下面不符合 Python 习惯:
d = {}i = 0for k in keys:print(k, values[i])i += 189 一对 '''
打印被分为多行的字符串,使用一对 ''' 更加符合 Python 习惯:
print('''"Oh no!" He exclaimed."It's the blemange!"''')下面写法就太不 Python 风格:
print('"Oh no!" He exclaimed.\n' +'It\'s the blemange!"')90 交换元素
直接解包赋值,更加符合 Python 风格:
a, b = 1, 3a, b = b, a # 交换a,b不要再用临时变量 tmp ,这不符合 Python 习惯:
tmp = aa = bb = tmp91 join 串联
串联字符串,更习惯使用 join:
chars = ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']name = ''.join(chars)print(name)下面不符合 Python 习惯:
name = ''for c in chars:name += cprint(name)92 列表生成式
列表生成式构建高效,符合 Python 习惯:
data =[1, 2, 3, 5, 8]result = [i * 2 for i in data if i & 1] # 奇数则乘以2print(result) # [2, 6, 10]下面写法不够 Pythoner:
results = []for e in data:if e & 1:results.append(e*2)print(results)93 字典生成式
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']values = [1, 3, 5]d = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, values)}print(d)下面写法不太 Pythoner:
d = {}for k, v in zip(keys, values):d[k] = vprint(d)94 name == 'main__'有啥用
曾几何时,看这别人代码这么写,我们也就跟着这么用吧,其实还没有完全弄清楚这行到底干啥 。
def mymain():print('Doing something in module', __name__)if __name__ == '__main__':print('Executed from command line')mymain()加入上面脚本命名为 MyModule,不管在 vscode 还是 pycharm 直接启动,则直接打印出:
Executed from command lineDoing something in module __main__这并不奇怪,和我们预想一样,因为有无这句 main ,都会打印出这些 。
但是当我们 import MyModule 时,如果没有这句,直接就打印出:
In [2]: import MyModuleExecuted from command lineDoing something in module MyModule
