Wu Liuqi doesn't need fancy sets to tell his tales. With a big red nose a pair of round spectacles like Harry Potter and his expressive body language Wu a 31-year-old mime artist made his stage debut in the reality show Super Sketch Show broadcast by streaming platform iQiyi with a five-minute performance titled Bob's Travels.
31岁的武六七是一名默剧演员 , 他不需要花哨的布景来讲故事 。 一个大红鼻子、一副哈利·波特标配的圆框眼镜 , 再加上极具表现力的肢体语言 , 武六七就这样完成了时长五分钟的作品《漂流记》 。 这是他在《一年一度喜剧大赛》上的舞台首秀 。 该档综艺目前在爱奇艺播出 。
武六七表演《漂流记》截图 。 图源:爱奇艺
Playing the role of Bob who finds a magic hat which turns him into the captain of a big boat Wu takes the audience along on his voyage into a fairy tale world where he meets new friends.
武六七在《漂流记》里扮演鲍勃 。 鲍勃发现了一顶神奇的帽子 , 戴上之后 , 他就变成了一艘大船的船长 , 带领着观众踏上了旅程 , 进入到了一个童话世界 , 在童话世界里 , 鲍勃结识了新朋友 。
\"The audience love to see the actor use nothing but his skills to create a magical world\" comments one viewer on Sina Weibo.
一位网友在微博上评论道:“武六七单凭借自己的技艺就创造了一个神奇的世界 , 这是观众们喜欢看的 。 ”
Actor Cao Muzhi who also participated in the reality show says he was \"taken back\" to his childhood while watching the one-man show. \"I even felt a little bit lost after returning to reality.\"
演员曹牧之也参加了这档真人秀节目 , 看完这个独角戏后 , 他说:“他真的带我回到了童年 。 结束的那一刻 , 从戏里回到现实中 , 我甚至感觉有些茫然失落 。 ”
Wu a Beijing native has been performing and touring as a mime artist for 10 years. This is the first time Wu has performed in a reality show which premiered on Oct 15 and is being streamed weekly on iQiyi.
武六七是北京人 , 做默剧演员已经有十个年头了 , 期间一直各地巡演 。 这是他第一次参加真人秀 。 该真人秀于10月15日上线 , 目前在爱奇艺周播 。
The reality show invites five celebrity judges and audience members to vote for 25 groups of contestants. With many rounds of competition comedians work as soloists or in groups to create original shows for the final win.
节目邀请了五位大咖和现场观众一起为25组喜剧小队投票 。 比赛分多轮进行 , 喜剧演员或以个人形式或以组队形式创作原创作品争夺冠军 。
五位嘉宾分别是马东、徐峥、于和伟、黄渤和李诞 。 图源:爱奇艺
\"Comedy is hard. The judgement is made based on one rule — whether it makes you laugh or not\" says Ma Dong founder of Beijing-based media enterprise MeWe which produced the reality show.
北京传媒公司米未为该档节目的制作方 , 其创始人马东表示:“喜剧很难 。 评判的标准就一个:能不能让观众笑 。 ”
\"All comedy at its core is tragedy if you look deep enough into it. That's why it is so hard.\"
“深入观察就会发现喜剧都有悲剧的核 。 这就是为什么喜剧这么难 。 ”
The reality show is open to lesser-known comedians who bring surprises. Some of them are veteran actors who have been performing in TV dramas movies and musicals for years but still haven't achieved fame while some are newcomers.
《一年一度喜剧大赛》中的喜剧演员都不是很有名 , 但他们带来了很多惊喜 。 参赛演员中有已经在电视剧、电影、音乐剧里摸爬滚打多年但仍籍籍无名的演员 , 也有新喜剧人 。
\"There are many great comedians in China and we want to offer those who may not have been seen by the audience before a platform\" Ma Dong says.
马东说:“中国有很多非常棒的喜剧演员 , 我们想为那些以前可能从未被观众看到过的人提供一个平台 。 ”
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