The art of mime is usually considered a niche compared to other theatrical art forms. Wu however sees it as a relaxing break from the fast-paced life which is loud and chaotic.
与其他戏剧艺术形式相比 , 默剧比较小众 。 然而 , 在武六七看来 , 默剧可以为充斥着喧闹和混乱的快节奏生活带去短暂的放松 。
武六七表演《漂流记》截图 。 图源:爱奇艺
When Wu started to perform as a mime artist his first show was seen by fewer than 10 people all of whom were invited to see the show for free.
武六七刚开始做默剧时 , 他的第一场演出只有不到十个观众 , 还都是被邀请到场 , 免费观看的 。
\"In the beginning I struggled to make people laugh. It took me a long time to learn to practice to see what keeps an audience laughing and what makes them disinterested\" says Wu.
武六七说:“一开始 , 我不知道怎么让观众笑 。 我花了很长时间去学习、去练习 , 想看看什么能让观众笑起来 , 什么又是观众不感兴趣的 。 ”
Ten years ago Wu and his childhood friend Wang Zi also a mime artist founded a club in Beijing hoping to popularize the genre. They named the club Na Da Ding or \"handstand\".
十年前 , 武六七和发小 王梓一起成立了拿大顶剧社(“拿大顶”在北方话里是“倒立”的意思) , 希望能普及默剧这一艺术形式 。
\"When you need a good idea for a show it helps to do a handstand for a few seconds and let the blood flow to your brain\" Wu says.
武六七说:“倒立几秒钟能让血液流回大脑里 , 有助于思考作品的创意 。 ”
Now with around 10 members the club tours nationally. Last year Wang performed about 130 shows at small live house venues in China.
现在 , 剧社大概有10名成员 , 会在全国巡回演出 。 去年 , 王梓在中国进行了大约130场小型现场演出 。
\"For me mime is very cool because it is totally dependent on the self-expression of the artists\" says Wang 31 who also showcased his act in the reality show incorporating dance hand gestures and a clown performance in his works.
31岁的王梓也参加了《一年一度喜剧大赛》 , 并在自己的表演作品中融入了舞蹈、手势和小丑表演等元素 。 他表示:“我觉得默剧是一件很酷的事情 , 因为它完全依赖于演员的自我表达 。 ”
王梓表演《空手道高手》截图 。 图源:爱奇艺
Actor Jiang Long 25 made his breakthrough and has gained a large fan base with his comedic play titled The Last Class which received high scores both from the celebrity judges and the audience.
25岁的演员蒋龙凭借剧目《最后一课》实现自我突破 , 收获了大量粉丝 。 五位大咖评委和现场观众均为《最后一课》打了高分 。
蒋龙表演《最后一课》截图 。 图源:爱奇艺
Jiang played the role of a jobless actor who works at an escape room to pay his rent. While playing the role of a zombie he meets his acting teacher who is keen on giving more training to Jiang despite the awkward situation.
蒋龙在剧中饰演一名没有戏拍的演员 , 在密室逃脱里扮演丧尸维持生活 。 一次扮演丧尸的时候 , 他遇到了自己的表演课老师 。 当时情况很尴尬 , 但老师盛情难却 , 一直给蒋龙指导演技 。
《最后一课》截图 。 图源:爱奇艺
\"It's a real story. I went to act in an escape room where I met a friend who is an actor. He is a good actor and was devoted to his job of scaring people. He didn't give up acting although he had to figure out a way to make a living\" recalls Jiang.
蒋龙回忆道:“作品是真实故事改编的 。 有一次 , 我去玩密室逃脱 , 碰见了我的一个也是做演员的朋友 。 他真的是一个很好的演员 , 全身心地投入到专门‘吓人’的角色之中 。 虽然不得已要找条出路维持生活 , 但他依旧没有放弃表演 。 ”
\"For many young actors it is difficult to find jobs after graduation. I am experiencing the same situation and still waiting for opportunities.\"
“对很多年轻演员来说 , 毕业后很难找到工作 , 我也在经历这种情况 , 还在等机会 。 ”
One of the judges Huang Bo was touched by Jiang's performance which reminded him of his own experience.
蒋龙的表演感动了评委黄渤 , 让黄渤回想起了自己的经历 。
The 47-year-old actor-director recalls his early days pursuing an acting career in Beijing.
47岁的黄渤现在是演员兼导演 。 他在节目现场回忆起了自己年轻时北漂的经历 。
黄渤在节目中 。 图源:爱奇艺
\"After graduation in 2004 no one hired me to act so I had to return to my hometown to make a living. I was struggling and depressed. Then I returned to Beijing to continue to look for opportunities to act because I just couldn't give it up.\"
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