“2004年毕业以后 , 没有人找我拍戏 , 为了生活 , 我就回老家了 。 当时心里很挣扎很难受 。 因为自己还是没有办法放弃表演 , 就又回北京来了 , 希望能碰到机会 。 ”
Born and raised in Shenyang Liaoning province Jiang graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2015. He learned to play the piano and practice Latin dance as a child winning a provincial competition in 2005. He got his first role in a 2004 comedy TV drama Grow Up which introduced him to acting.
蒋龙在辽宁沈阳出生长大 。 2015年 , 蒋龙从北京电影学院毕业 。 小时候他学习了钢琴和拉丁舞 。 2005年获得了“辽宁省第二届国际标准舞大赛”拉丁舞一等奖 。 2004年蒋龙参演喜剧《长大成人》 , 开始了自己的演艺生涯 。
He says that some of his actor friends have left the scene to do other things like opening restaurants. However he still possesses hope.
蒋龙还表示 , 他的一些演员朋友已经离开了这个行业 , 去做一些其他的事情 , 有开餐厅的 。 但他自己还是对这个行业抱有希望 。
张弛和蒋龙在《最后一课》中 。 图源:爱奇艺
Coming to the reality show allowed Jiang to test his acting skills in comedy. He was intrigued by the genre and decided to concentrate on it.
来这个真人秀能让蒋龙检验自己的喜剧表演能力 。 蒋龙对喜剧很感兴趣 , 也决定要深耕于此 。
\"Good comedy cures people. I become happy and confident when I make people laugh. I met lots of talented comedians in the reality show who inspired me\" says Jiang.
“好的喜剧治愈人 。 能让观众笑我就会开心 , 也会变得自信 。 我在这个节目里遇到了很多有才华的喜剧演员 , 他们给了我很多启发 。 ”
Before Super Sketch Show Ma Dong's company successfully produced a reality show titled The Big Band in 2019 which brought once-underground Chinese indie rock bands into the limelight.
在推出《一年一度喜剧大赛》之前 , 米未在2019年推出了《乐队的夏天》 , 一炮而红 , 把中国的地下独立摇滚乐队带到舞台聚光灯下 。
In 2020 the second season of the reality show also achieved success which attracted many young music fans to outdoor festivals and live house venues to enjoy their live performances.
2020年 , 《乐队的夏天》第二季开播 , 也大获成功 , 吸引了很多年轻人去户外音乐节和小型演出场所观看乐队现场演出 。
For Super Sketch Show Ma Dong and his team spent a year working with scriptwriters actors and actresses — double the time they worked on The Big Band.
马东和他的团队耗费了整整一年的时间与编剧、演员探讨打磨 , 才最终推出了《一年一度喜剧大赛》这个节目 , 筹备时间是《乐队的夏天》两倍之多 。
\"The process of preparing for Super Sketch Show was full of concern. We didn't want to entertain ourselves. We were just trying to make people happy and deliver a warm funny package for all ages\" says Ma Dong.
马东表示:“筹备这个节目的过程中有很多担心 。 我们不想自娱自乐 , 我们想让大家开心 , 把温暖有趣的作品打包送给观众 。 ”
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