


备考银保监会的考生们经过艰苦奋战 , 即将赢得面试的入场券 。 接下来 , 各位考生更要认真着手备考 , 在此 , 安徽时代顾邦整理银保监会面试中的英语真题及解析 , 为考生备考加油助力!

1. Talk about how you adapt to the challenges of life. 【财经·黑龙江省银监局】
Well in my opinion today's world is changing extremely fast and the global structure has transformed invarious ways. So as a new university graduate student I think there are a few things I shall do to keep up with the trend so that I can adapt myself well to the challenges of life. FirstlyI will stick to learning new knowledge as it can be the most vital factor for me to fit my job in the
future. Secondly I will keep playing sports as a good health is rather important for me to adapt different job tasks in the future. Thirdly I will learn to build up more team work spirit in order to work better and more efficiently with other work mates in the future.
2. Should banks give credit cards to college students? And how to give college students credit cards?【财经岗· 内蒙古银监局】
Well this question is rather complicated for me to answer but in my view I do not really support that banks shall give credit cards to college students. Since there are huge potential risks if banks issue credit cards to these young students. And when it comes to how to give college students credit cards I believe there are several steps which must be taken to control or manage the hidden risks. Firstly all commercial banks should set up an independent sector or department to build a complete credit risk regulatory system to evaluate each student' credit record. Secondlycommercial banks shall have close contact with the universities in order to gain a thorough understanding of the performance of the students at their school. Thirdly commercial banks also
should keep contact with students themselves regularly in order to know about their true usage of applying for credit cards. Lastly commercial banks should as well set up a safe and sound mortgage or guarantee measures to prevent the potential risks.
3 .英语题:谈一下不良贷款升高 , 原因 , 对策 。 【财经·河南省银监局】
Bank lending with high credit and low interest rates is one of the most common sources of lending in financial markets. Most corporate projects and local financing platforms are financed through bank loans. However Banks have got a lot of non-performing loans during the
development process.
What can be attributed to three aspects? First the credit of the borrower. A loan is also called credit. It is a financial product based on credit. Generally speaking the risk of a loan is mainly from the credit risk of the borrower. Second bank investigation and risk management. The loan is the basic business of the bank and the right to make loans is the bank itself so the non-performing loan situation is largely related to the bank itself. The most important thing is the pre-loan review which requires a thorough investigation of the borrower before the loan checking if he is eligible for a loan and how much he can lend. Third the problem of local financing platform. According to the survey report there are many people who believe that Banks' non-performing loans are largely due to local financing platforms. Once these platforms are in trouble loans become non-performing.
Measures should be taken to solve this problem: Bank non-performing loans generally fall into two categories: one is the borrower maliciously avoids repayment and one is because of the shortage of funds the short term is unable to repay. In the first case bank should check the credit of borrower before lending money. In the second case the bank will continue to loan the borrower after the evaluation and help borrowers through lending money to pay debt. The bank will take
legal action against malicious evasion of the loan. The standard process is to bring the borrower's collateral to court for auction.

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