Sci Adv丨深度学习超高分辨率成像发现溶酶体对内质网调控( 三 )

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2. Y. Guo, et al. Visualizing intracellular organelle and cytoskeletal interactions at nanoscale resolution on millisecond timescales. Cell. 15, 175(5), 1430-42 (2018).
3. Dong, Dashan, et al. "Super-resolution fluorescence-assisted diffraction computational tomography reveals the three-dimensional landscape of the cellular organelle interactome." Light: Science--tt-darkmode-color: #A0A0A0;"> 9.1 (2020): 1-15.
【Sci Adv丨深度学习超高分辨率成像发现溶酶体对内质网调控】4. Fan, Jingtao, et al. "Video-rate imaging of biological dynamics at centimetre scale and micrometre resolution." Nature Photonics 13.11 (2019): 809-816
