Zhidao copper coins have been cast for only three years. Zhidao Yuanbao is very regular in workmanship and almost of the same size. The inscriptions on the coins can be divided into three types: genuine script, running script and cursive script. This kind of money material is a typical bronze material. After thousands of years of oxidation, whether it is cooked pit, raw pit or handed down, it is easy to produce black brown black oxide layer, which is very simple and beautiful.
【 精品|精品鉴赏--历代钱币一组(崇宁通宝;开元通宝;志道元宝)】The coins of the Song Dynasty are the most complicated in the history of Chinese coins. It is not only a variety of currency materials, but also restricted by local circulation. The denomination of the coin is large and the name of money is also many. Its casting technology reached a new height in the Song Dynasty. It has important research value and collection value, so it is regarded as rare treasures by collectors of all ages. After the vagabond of history, there are very few coins left in some editions. Therefore, in the current collection market, the coins of the Song Dynasty have always been the favorite of the people.
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