Chinese ancient coins are the product of ancient Chinese commodity exchange. They sprouted in Xia Dynasty, originated in Shang Dynasty, developed in Eastern Zhou Dynasty and unified in Qin Dynasty.
After the vicissitudes of the century, the number of coins has been increasing in the past ten years, and the number of coins has been increasing.
Chongning Tongbao has the four characters of "Chongning Tongbao" on the front, and Chongning chongbao "Yibi chongbao". The obvious feature of this format of Qian is that the character "Chong" in the text of Qian is vertical from top to bottom and runs through one stroke; this is a relatively special type of Qianli in Chongning, which is against the conventional and French style in terms of its writing method, but its calligraphy charm is still relatively strong, so it should be a variant of the writing method of "Chong". This format is rare and hard to get.
Chongning Tongbao was first cast in the Chongning period (1102-1106) of Zhaoji, Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty. There are three kinds of Chongning Tongbao, Chongning chongbao and Chongning Yuanbao. Chongning Tongbao is the ten type, and the Qian text is the Hui clan's letter, so it is the imperial book money. The coin is thick, bronze, rusty and old. It's an old pit for opening the door. The reason for the so-called big character version is that the four characters of the coin are full and the outline is connected. The two characters of "Bao and Ning" are long and inclined to the left; the long point is "Chong"; the slanting Ding is "Ning"; the high walking "Tong" is similar to the big character "Chongning Tongbao" which is widely recognized in all the spectra.
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