聚英OD学苑|共赢的组织文化,了解一下?( 二 )
The Adhocracy Culture is based on energy and creativity where employees are encouraged to take risks and think in nontraditional ways. The core values are based on change and agility and the leaders are seen as innovative entrepreneurs who impart these qualities into their teams. This kind of organization is created and maintained by experimentation, with an emphasis on individual ingenuity and freedom.
民主文化以能量和创造力为基础 , 鼓励员工以非传统方式承担风险和思考 。 核心价值观基于变革和敏捷性 , 领导者被视为创新型的企业家 , 他们将这些品质融入到团队当中 。 这类组织是通过实验创建和维护的 , 看重个人的独创性和自由 。
The Market Culture’s focal point is dynamics of competition and using these dynamics to achieve concrete results. The market share and profitability are the primary values here. The leaders of this organizational type are tough, demanding and goal-oriented. This requires the organization to be united by a common goal to succeed and beat all competitors – current and future.
【聚英OD学苑|共赢的组织文化,了解一下?】市场文化的焦点是竞争的动态 , 并利用这些动态来取得具体成果 。 市场份额和盈利能力是这里的主要价值 。 这种组织类型的领导者是强硬、苛刻和目标导向的 。 这要求组织通过制定共同目标 , 团结一致 , 取得成功 , 击败所有当下和未来的竞争对手 。
Lastly, we have the Hierarchy Culture which is founded on structure and control. This kind of organizational culture has a very formal work environment with strict institutional procedures and practices. The leadership is based on organized coordination and monitoring their employees. The primary values include consistency, uniformity, an emphasis on efficiency and predictability.
最后 , 我们来介绍基于结构和控制的层次结构文化 。 这种组织文化具有非常正式的工作环境 , 并拥有严格的制度程序和实践 。 领导层的基础是有组织的协调和监督员工 。 首要的价值观包括连贯性、一致性、强调效率和可预测性 。
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