MYTH: Buying from "eco-conscious" or "sustainable" brands is the best way to reduce your fashion footprint
TRUTH: The best way to reduce your fashion footprint is to buy fewer things. Get the most out of your current wardrobe by mending or altering old garments, restyling tired pieces and trading items with friends or through clothing swaps (post-pandemic). If you must buy a new item, try to find it second-hand. Some companies even offer repair programs, like Patagonia's "Worn Wear," or help to resell worn items. Researching sustainable brands is helpful, but buying something new should be the last option, not the first.
事实:减少时尚碳足迹的最佳方式就是少买衣服 。 最大化地使用你现有的衣服 , 你可以修补或改造旧衣服 , 把穿腻了的衣服重新设计一下 , 和朋友换穿衣服 , 或者到网上进行衣物互换(当然是在疫情过后) 。 如果必须买新衣服 , 试着在二手店找找有没有合适的 。 一些公司甚至提供修补衣服的项目 , 比如巴塔哥尼亚品牌的“破旧衣服”项目 , 或者帮助顾客卖掉穿过的衣服 。 对可持续品牌进行调研可以有所帮助 , 但是购买新衣服应该是最后的选择 , 而不是首选 。
MYTH: Luxury fashion is more sustainable than fast fashion
TRUTH: Spending money on luxury fashion does not guarantee sustainability. Some fashion houses, including Burberry, have staged "carbon-neutral" shows, and Gucci claims its operations are now entirely carbon-neutral. Stella McCartney has been working towards more greener practices for years and is one in a number of fashion brands to sign a UN charter for climate action, pledging to reduce collective carbon emissions by 30% by 2030. But the luxury fashion industry still has work to do. A report released earlier this year by Ordre, which specializes in online showrooms, reveals how unsustainable fashion weeks really are, for example. By measuring the carbon footprint of fashion buyers from 2,697 retail brands and 5,096 ready-to-wear designers attending international fashion weeks over a 12-month period, the report found that the 241,000 tonnes of CO2 (or equivalent greenhouse gases) emitted was the same as that of a small country, or enough energy to keep the lights on in 42,000 homes in a year.
事实:花钱购买奢侈服装并不能保证可持续 。 包括巴宝莉在内的一些时尚品牌举行了“碳中和”时装秀 , 古驰品牌则声称自己的产业运作现在完全是碳中和的 。 斯特拉·麦卡特尼品牌多年来一直致力于更环保的行为 , 也是签署联合国《时尚业气候行动宪章》的多个时尚品牌之一 , 承诺到2030年将碳排放总量减少30% 。 但是奢侈时尚行业做的还不够 。 今年早些时候奢侈品展示网站Ordre发布的一份报告揭示了奢侈品时尚业的一些真相 , 比如时装周对环境的破坏有多大 。 通过测量12个月内参加国际时装周的来自2697个零售品牌的时装买家和5096名成衣设计师产生的碳足迹 , 该报告发现 , 时装周产生的24.1万吨二氧化碳(或等量的温室气体)相当于一个小国的碳排放量 , 这些能源足以为4.2万户家庭提供一年的照明 。
【brands|阅读|关于可持续时尚最常见的9个误解(上)】MYTH: The more expensive the garment, the less likely workers have been exploited
误解三:衣服越贵 , 工人受剥削的可能性越小
TRUTH: Many mid-priced and premium labels actually produce in the same factories as discount and fast fashion brands. This means that everything from workers' rights to the conditions in which they work in, can be exploitative, regardless of price point. What's more, the price of a garment does not guarantee that workers were fairly paid, because the cost of labor only makes up a small fraction of total production costs.
事实:许多中高档品牌的服装实际上跟折扣店和快时尚品牌用同样的工厂生产 。 这意味着从工人权利到工作条件等方方面面都可能存在剥削 , 与价位无关 。 此外 , 衣服的高价不能保证员工能得到公平的报酬 , 因为劳动力成本只占生产总成本的一小部分 。
MYTH: Donating old clothes is a sustainable way to clean out your closet
TRUTH: While charities and thrift stores do give away or sell a portion of the clothes they receive, your donated clothes are likely to end up being shipped overseas to resale markets in developing countries, which can negatively impact their local industries, or in a landfill. Only 10% of clothing given to thrift stores is actually sold. The US alone ships a billion pounds of used clothing per year to other countries. Africa receives 70% of global secondhand clothes.
事实:尽管慈善机构和二手店确实会捐掉或卖掉它们获得的一部分旧衣服 , 但是你捐的衣服很可能最终会被运到发展中国家的转售市场或者进入垃圾填埋场 , 而运到发展中国家的旧衣服会给他们的当地产业带来负面影响 。 捐给二手店的衣服只有10%真的被卖掉了 。 光是美国每年就会运10亿磅(约合45万吨)旧衣服到其他国家 。 非洲接收了全球70%的二手衣服 。
A 2016 research project, entitled "Dead White Man's Clothes," found that in Kantamanto, the largest secondhand market in Ghana, 15 million items are unloaded each week. The team behind the report concluded that 40% of the clothing in each bale becomes waste, dumped into already overflowing landfills, the Gulf of Guinea, or burned in Accra's slums.
2016年一项名为“已故白人衣服”的研究项目发现 , 在加纳最大的二手市场坎塔曼托市场 , 每周有1500万件衣物会运到那里 。 研究团队在报告中总结道 , 每批衣服的40%会成为垃圾 , 被倾倒入本已满溢的垃圾填埋场、几内亚湾 , 或在阿克拉贫民窟焚烧 。
luxury ['l?k??ri, 'l?ɡ??ri]
n. 奢侈 , 奢华;奢侈品;享受
adj. 奢侈的
portion ['p?:??n, 'p?u-]
n. 部分;一份;命运
vt. 分配;给…嫁妆
greenhouse ['ɡri:nhaus]
n. 温室
retail ['ri:teil]
vt. 零售;转述
vi. 零售
n. 零售
adv. 以零售方式
adj. 零售的
impact ['imp?kt, im'p?kt]
vt. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧
vi. 冲击;产生影响
n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力
fraction ['fr?k??n]
n. [数]分数;部分;小部分;稍微
equivalent [i'kwiv?l?nt]
adj. 等价的 , 相等的;同意义的
n. 等价物 , 相等物
discount ['diskaunt, dis'k-]
n. 折扣;贴现率
vi. 贴现;打折扣出售商品
vt. 打折扣;将…贴现;贬损
charter ['t?ɑ't?]
vt. 特许;包租;发给特许执照
n. 宪章;执照;特许状
current ['k?r?nt]
adj. 现在的;流通的 , 通用的;最近的;草写的
n. (水 , 气 , 电)流;趋势;涌流
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