相比798里那些具有标志性的大体量锯齿形包豪斯风格厂房 , 项目所在建筑显得并没什么特色 。 厂房的历史已经无从追溯 , 后期不断更新的租户也对内部和外部空间做了很多加法 , 更削弱了其体量感 。
Comparing to those iconic big factory buildings with Bauhaus style in 798 zone ,this factory is not so special. Its history is impossible to trace back ,and tenants afterwards also made a lot of add-on in both interior and exterior space. It also reduced the original form of massing which is more and more ambiguous.
VOYAGE咖啡品牌的理念是简简单单的“做好咖啡” , 这个概念也是改造设计的出发点 。 我们认为回归厂房原有空间形态可能是对这个品牌和空间最大的敬意 。 咖啡店的使用要求空间明亮清爽 , 但由于原有砖混结构的局限性 , 并不支持大尺度的立面开洞 。 我们根据构造柱的定位做了结构加固 , 沿街面的玻璃窗也分为上下两段 , 分隔两段的中部方钢稍宽是为了遮挡室外798园区内高架的热力管道 , 保证室内望出去的景色不被影响 。
The concept of VOYAGE COFFEE brand is very simple and strong ,“make good coffee”. So this concept also became the start point of architectural design. We reckon turning the space back to the origin is maybe the biggest respect to both the brand and the space. Café space requires bright and refreshing atmosphere ,but masonry-concrete structure doesn’t allow big window. So we followed the existing structural column and strengthen the structure. The fa ade along the street is also separated vertically to two parts. The square steel in between is wider than other. It is to avoid the view of big thermal?pipelines of 798 overhead on that height level along the street.
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