一场世界级粮食节约“保卫战” 外媒居然在背后插刀( 二 )

一场世界级粮食节约“保卫战” 外媒居然在背后插刀
近日 , 匹兹堡和其他9个城市共同加入一项有关粮食问题的区域性倡议 , 旨在减少食物浪费、拯救即将扔掉的多余食物以及回收食物残渣 。The Food Matters Regional Initiative announced that the City of Pittsburgh and nine other cities would partake in a program aiming to promote food waste prevention, rescue surplus food set to be thrown away and recycle food scraps.该倡议负责人安德鲁·达什表示:“匹兹堡将继续推进食品相关立法工作 , 通过预防浪费、拯救食物和厨余回收来减少食物浪费 。 这些行动将有利于本地区的经济繁荣 , 减少废物造成的污染 。 ”"The Food Matters legislation will allow the City to continue expanding work to reduce food waste through prevention, food rescue, and recycling of food scraps. These solutions benefit the economic prosperity of the area and decrease pollution caused by waste," Planning Director Andrew Dash said in a press release.➤ 法国:立法!与美国类似 , 全球食物浪费第一个大国法国 , 也通过立法减少食物浪费 。法国在2016年推出的《反食物浪费法》中规定 , 超市不得丢弃或销毁未售出的食品 , 但可将其捐赠给慈善机构和食物银行 , 因而成为世界上第一个做出此类规定的国家 。France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks.一场世界级粮食节约“保卫战” 外媒居然在背后插刀
另外 , 商店所捐赠食物库存价值的60%可以享受现存的 税收减免政策 。Another benefit of donating food:stores can take advantage of a pre-existing tax break on as much as 60% on the inventory value of the donated food.法国生态转型和团结部指出 , 《反食物浪费法》实施以来 ,回收食物总量每年增长近28% , 对制止食物浪费产生了积极影响 。2019年 , 在《反食物浪费法》基础上 , 法国又通过了一部针对食品领域的法律 。该法律将“平衡农业和食品领域以及健康、可持续的食品工业之间的商业关系 。 ” …the new bill will "strike a balance between commercial relations in the agricultural and food sector and a healthy and sustainable food industry."根据该法规定 , 自2021年7月起 , 餐厅必须使用“餐饮袋” , 鼓励顾客打包带走 。如果销毁仍可食用的未售出食物 , 餐馆将面临罚款 , 最高可达上一财年营业额的0.1% 。➤ 意大利:还是立法!同样通过立法的方式整治食物浪费现象的还有意大利 。食物浪费每年给意大利的企业和家庭造成的损失超过120亿欧元 (约960亿人民币) , 超过该国GDP的1% 。According to ministers, food waste costs Italy's business and households more than ?2bn per year. Studies suggest it could amount to more than 1% of GDP.2016年 , 意大利出台《反食品浪费法》 , 鼓励企业或农场捐赠食物 , 号召餐厅向消费者提供打包袋 , 从而遏制食物浪费的风气 。Italy has made it easier for companies and farmers to donate food to charities and is encouraging greater use of "doggy bags" at restaurants as part of a legislative push to curb the epidemic of food waste.《卫报》报道称 , 与法国惩罚超市、强制捐赠的法律不同 , 意大利法律侧重于激励措施 , 通过鼓励的方式帮助企业改变行为 。Unlike the French law, however, which penalises supermarkets that fail to abide by new rules forcing them to donate unsold food to charities, the Italian law has instead focused on incentives that make it easier for companies to change their behaviour.一场世界级粮食节约“保卫战” 外媒居然在背后插刀
《反食品浪费法》实施后 , 2018年至2019年 , 意大利食物浪费占GDP的比重下降到了0.88% 。Food waste in Italy would amount to about 15 billion euros per year, equal to some 0.88 percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a study revealed on Tuesday.➤ 日本:食品银行日本从2000年左右开始推出食品银行的概念 。 截至2014年 , 据日本农林水产省统计 , 全国有40个团体在开展这项活动 。食品银行通常向零售商回收安全可食用的食物 , 发放给有需要的人 。Food banks collect surplus food that is still safe for consumption and redistribute them to those in need.据悉 , 所回收的必须是能常温保存且离保质期至少还有1个月的食品 。In the case of processed food, we prefer to have at least one month left before expiration in order for us to safely deliver the donation well ahead of its expiration.人们还可以通过购买临近保质期的食品 , 获得商店积分 。➤ 德国:唤醒民众意识德国联邦食品和农业部的一项数据显示 , 德国每年大约有1200万吨食品被浪费 , 平均每个德国人扔掉的食物重达55千克 。Recent data shows that in Germany alone 12 million tons of food goes to waste every year. Every year, the average German throws away 55 kilogram of food.2019年 , 德国联邦政府出台《减少食品浪费国家战略》 (The National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste) , 呼吁民众提高节约意识 , 从根本上解决食品浪费问题 。实施有效措施 , 以显著减少整个食物链中的食物浪费 。…implement effective measures to achieve the necessary significant reduction of food waste along the entire food supply chain. 这是全社会共同的任务 。This is a task for society as a whole.德国希望通过该计划 , 到2030年将食物浪费的数量减半 , 并降低整个生产和供应链的废弃食品数量 。The German government has set a target of halving food waste by 2030.负责该战略的联邦食品和农业部部长尤利娅·克勒克纳表示 , 该项目若要有效 , 需要将商业部门和消费者都纳入其中 。Federal Nutrition Minister Julia Klöckner, who is overseeing the development of the strategy, said that the plan needs to include the business sector as well as consumers in order to be effective.早在2012年 , 德国就曾发起过一项名为“不该扔进垃圾箱” (too good for the bin)的倡议 , 呼吁即使“最佳食用期”已到 , 但只要没有对健康造成损害 , 口味上没问题 , 这些食品就不应该被扔进垃圾桶 。
