
About the Authors 关于作者1 Richard Feynman 理查德·费曼Born in 1918 in New York City, Richard P. Feynman received his Ph.D from Princeton in 1942. Despite his youth, he played an important part in the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos during World War II. Subsequently, he taught at Cornell and at the California Institute of Technology. In 1965 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, along with Sin-Itiro Tomonaga and Julian Schwinger, for his work in quantum electrodynamics.理查德·费曼 , 1918年生于纽约 。 1942年你 , 从普林斯顿获得博士学位 。 尽管很年轻 , 二战期间 , 在罗洛斯阿拉莫斯的“曼哈顿计划”中 , 仍扮演了重要角色 。 其后 , 在康奈尔大学和加州理工学院任教 。 1965年 , 由于在量子电动力学方面的工作 , 与Tomonaga和史文格一起 , 共同获得诺贝尔奖 。Dr. Feynman won his Nobel Prize for successfully resolving problems with the theory of quantum electrodynamics. He also created a mathematical theory that accounts for the phenomenon of superfluidity in liquid helium. Thereafter, with Murray Gell-Mann, he did fundamental work in the area of weak interactions such as beta decay. In later years Feynman played a key role in the development of quark theory by putting forward his parton model of high energy proton collision processes.费曼博士获得诺贝尔奖 , 是因为他用量子电动力学的力量 , 成功地解决了问题 。 对于液态氦的超流性现象 , 也提出一种数学理论 , 用于解释此现象 。 其后 , 与Murray一道 , 在弱相互作用领域 , 如贝塔衰变 , 做了奠基性工作 。 后来的岁月中 , 费曼在夸克理论的发展中 , 起了关键作用 , 即对于高能质子碰撞过程 , 提出了部分子模型 。Beyond these achievements, Dr. Feynman introduced basic new computational techniques and notations into physics—above all, the ubiquitous Feynman diagrams that, perhaps more than any other formalism in recent scientific history, have changed the way in which basic physical processes are conceptualized and calculated.除了这些成就 , 费曼博士还给物理学 , 引入了新的、基本的计算技术和标记法 , 其中最著名的 , 是无处不在的费曼图 , 它可能比近代科学史中的任何形式主义的东西都要好 , 因为 , 对于把基本物理过程 , 如何形成概念和如何被计算等方面 , 它带来了改变 。Feynman was a remarkably effective educator. Of all his numerous awards, he was especially proud of the Oersted Medal for Teaching, which he won in 1972. The Feynman Lectures on Physics, originally published in 1963, were described by a reviewer in Scientific American as “tough, but nourishing and full of flavor. After 25 years it is the guide for teachers and for the best of beginning students.” In order to increase the understanding of physics among the lay public, Dr. Feynman wrote The Character of Physical Law and QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. He also authored a number of advanced publications that have become classic references and textbooks for researchers and students.作为一个教育者 , 费曼成绩裴然 , 有口皆碑 。 在他所获的奖项中 , 他特别引以为豪的 , 是他1972年获得的“Oersted教育奖章”。 费曼物理学讲义 , 最初于1963年出版 , “科学美国人”的一个评论家把它描述为:“强悍 , 营养丰富 , 味道鲜美 。 25年后 , 它是教师的指导 , 和初学的最佳指南 。 ”为了增加公众对物理学的理解 , 费曼博士写了“物理学规律的特点和量子电动力学”的一章:“光和物质的奇怪理论” 。 他还编写了大量先进的出版物 , 对于研究者和学生来说 , 这些都变成了经典的参考书和教科书 。Richard Feynman was a constructive public man. His work on the Challenger commission is well known, especially his famous demonstration of the susceptibility of the O-rings to cold, an elegant experiment which required nothing more than a glass of ice water and a C-clamp. Less well known were Dr. Feynman""""s efforts on the California State Curriculum Committee in the 1960s, where he protested the mediocrity of textbooks.理查德 费曼是一个有建设性的公众人物 。 在对“挑战者号”事故的调查中 , 他的工作非常著名 , 特别是他的关于O型环低温下易受影响的演示 , 这是一个杰出的实验 , 所要求的 , 无非是一杯冰水和一个C型夹钳 。 稍微不太著名的 , 是1960年代 , 费曼博士在“加州课程委员会”中的努力:他反对教科书的平庸 。A recital of Richard Feynman""""s myriad scientific and educational accomplishments cannot adequately capture the essence of the man. As any reader of even his most technical publications knows, Feynman""""s lively and multi-sided personality shines through all his work. Besides being a physicist, he was at various times a repairer of radios, a picker of locks, an artist, a dancer, a bongo player, and even a decipherer of Mayan hieroglyphics. Perpetually curious about his world, he was an exemplary empiricist.理查德 费曼在科学和教育领域 , 成就众多 , 对这些详述 , 也难以刻画出他的本质 。 正如他的很多读者、甚至他的大多数技术出版物的读者所知 , 费曼的兴趣浓厚的和多方面的人格 , 在他所有的工作中 , 都有所展示 。 除了作为一个物理学家外 , 在不同的时期 , 他还是一个收音机修理员 , 一个钟表收藏家 , 一个艺术家 , 一个舞蹈爱好者 , 一个邦戈鼓鼓手 , 甚至 , 是一个玛雅象形文字的破解者 。
