财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本( 四 )

来源:卫报作者:Gwyn Topham2020年8月19日 18.28Inventor now worth $90bn, trailing MarkZuckerberg, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos如今的身家达到900亿美元 , 仅次于马克·扎克伯格 , 比尔·盖茨和杰夫·贝佐斯(超过了股神巴菲特) 财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本
上图:埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)超越了法国首富路易威登(Louis Vuitton)董事长伯纳德·阿诺(Bernard Arnault) 。 照片:苏珊·沃尔什/美联社
Elon Musk has soared through the global wealth league this year and become the world’s fourth richest person, after aboom in the share price of the Tesla car company he co-founded and part-ownsincreased his wealth by more than $13.3bn (£10bn) in two days of trading.埃隆·马斯克(ElonMusk)今年在全球财富榜上一路飙升 , 成为全球第四大富豪 , 此前他与他人共同创立的特斯拉汽车公司股价暴涨 , 部分拥有人的财富增加了133亿美元(合100亿英镑) )在交易的两天内 。The Silicon Valley inventor andentrepreneur is now worth more than $90bn and has overtaken France’s richestperson, the luxury goods tycoon Bernard Arnault, chairman of Louis Vuitton,cementing the place of American tech plutocrats at the top of the world’s richlist.这位硅谷的发明家和企业家现在的身家已超过900亿美元 , 并已超过法国首富 , 奢侈品大亨路易斯·威登(Louis Vuitton)董事长伯纳德·阿诺特(Bernard Arnault) , 巩固了美国科技富豪在世界富豪榜上的位置 。Still ahead of Musk are Facebook’sco-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and Microsoft’s founder, Bill Gates, and Amazon’sowner, Jeff Bezos, who is some distance ahead with an estimated net wealth of$195bn, according to the Bloomberg billionaires index.根据彭博亿万富翁指数 , Facebook的联合创始人马克·扎克伯格 , 微软的创始人比尔·盖茨和亚马逊的所有者杰夫·贝佐斯仍然遥遥领先于马斯克 。 后者的净资产估计为1,950亿美元 , 两人差距仍然遥远 。财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本
上图:特斯拉的股价超过1,900美元 , 比去年6月的市值高出10倍Musk’s fortune has shot up this year asthe share price of Tesla has soared. Musk, the chief executive of Tesla andowner of 21% of the stock, himself tweeted in May that the share price was toohigh, as the market value of his company far outstripped that of the automotivegiants.随着特斯拉股价飙升 , 马斯克的财富今年猛增 。 特斯拉首席执行官兼拥有21%股份的所有者马斯克(Musk)今年5月在推特上表示股价已经过高(受宠若惊) , 因为他的公司的市值远远超过了汽车巨头的市值 。Despite that, Tesla’s price continuedto climb to the point where it overtook Toyota as the world’s most valuable carcompany in July. Analysts from Morgan Stanley warned earlier this year thatTesla is “grossly overvalued” and that the share price would plunge, but it hascontinued to defy predictions.尽管如此 , 特斯拉的价格继续攀升至7月份超越丰田成为全球最有价值的汽车公司的地步 。 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的分析师今年早些时候警告说 , 特斯拉“被严重高估” , 股价将暴跌 , 但它继续违背了预测 。Tesla occupies a market-leadingposition in the electric car industry and is pioneering much of the roadtowards self-driving vehicles – and with many politicians ostensibly backing agreen recovery after the coronavirus pandemic, the value of cleaner technologylooks ever greater. The company also reported an unprecedented fourthconsecutive quarter of profit last month, after years of losses.特斯拉在电动汽车行业中处于市场领先地位 , 并且正在开创自动驾驶汽车的大部分道路-随着许多政客在冠状病毒大流行后表面上支持绿色复苏 , 清洁技术的价值似乎越来越大 。 在经历了多年亏损之后 , 该公司还宣布上个月连续第四季度实现了前所未有的利润 。However, much of the 2020 share pricerise has also been ascribed to a scramble by non-professional investors bettingon the Tesla name. More than 450,000 small investors have bought Tesla sharesthrough the commission-free Robinhood trading platform in the US. On one singleday in July there were 50,000 new Tesla investors.但是 , 非专业投资者将特斯拉的名字押在了2020年的大部分股价上涨之后 。 超过45万小投资者通过美国免佣金Robinhood交易平台购买了特斯拉股票 。 7月的一天 , 特斯拉有50,000名新投资者 。Their interest was further fuelled bythe announcement last week of a move to split the stock into five – whichtechnically should not affect the company valuation but makes the price of eachindividual share more attainable for small investors.上周宣布将股票拆分为五股的举动进一步激发了中小投资者的兴趣-从技术上讲这不会影响公司的估值 , 但会使小投资者更容易获得每只股票的价格 。Should the company’s valuation continueto rise at such astonishing rates, it could supercharge Musk’s fortune, with a $55bn bonus, agreed in 2018 and payable on the achievement of a series oftargets. The most outlandish of those targets, at the time, appeared to be increasing the firm’s market capitalisation to $650bn – 12 times what both Tesla and General Motors were worth. Today, Tesla is worth more than eight times General Motors.如果该公司的估值继续以如此惊人的速度增长 , 它可能会在2018年达成并达成一系列目标的情况下 , 以550亿美元的奖金来补充马斯克的财富 。 当时 , 这些目标中最荒谬的似乎是使该公司的市值增至6500亿美元 , 是特斯拉和通用汽车市值的12倍 。 如今 , 特斯拉的市值已超过通用汽车的八倍 。
