财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本( 二 )

The Falcon 9 rocket was launched yesterday as part of SpaceX""""s Starlink mission, which involves sending 58Starlink satellites into space to help internet access in disadvantaged areas.Falcon 9火箭是作为SpaceX Starlink任务的一部分发射的 , 该任务涉及将58颗Starlink卫星送入太空 , 以帮助贫困地区的互联网访问 。The fairing is a nosecone which sits onthe outside of a rocket to protect against the extreme temperatures and physicsplaced on an object launching through the atmosphere.The fairing splits top tobottom into two equal halves and descends back to Earth once the rocket is inspace.整流罩是一个鼻锥 , 它位于火箭的外侧 , 以防止极端温度和物理性质的影响 , 该物理性质是指通过大气层发射的物体 。 整流罩从上到下分为两个相等的部分 , 并在火箭进入太空后降落回地球 。Falcon""""s 9 other fairing made a soft landing in the ocean, which recovery ship Ms. Tree was attempting to recover.猎鹰(Falcon)的另外9艘整流罩在海洋上进行了软着陆 , 这是救援船Tree女士试图进行的救援 。第二篇文章:《埃隆·马斯克兜售低成本确保SpaceX火箭超越竞争对手》财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本
来源;CNBC作者:Michael SheetzKEY POINTS重点:SpaceX CEO Elon Musk touted low insurance costs as proof of the improving reliability of his company’s Falcon 9 rockets.SpaceX首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(ElonMusk)一直在强调低保险费用以证明其公司的Falcon 9火箭具有更高的可靠性 。“Last I checked, over a million dollarsless ... to insure a Falcon 9 mission,” Musk said in tweets Wednesday evening.“上次我检查了一下 , 减少了超过一百万美元……以确保猎鹰9号的飞行任务 , ”马斯克在周三晚上的推文中说 。A top space insurance underwriter explained that Musk’s reference is true for insurance premiums, which are basedon the rocket’s price tag, but not for the insurance rate, which is based onthe market’s perceived reliability of the rocket.一位顶尖的太空保险承保人解释说 , 马斯克的提法是基于火箭的价格标签的保险费 , 而不是基于市场对火箭的可靠性的保险费率 。财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本
SpaceX首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在新闻发布会上发表讲话 , 他于2018年9月17日在加利福尼亚州霍索恩宣布了公司选定一位日本亿万富翁进行绕月飞行 。 Mario Tama |盖蒂图片社SpaceX is launching more often than anyother country or company and CEO Elon Musk touted low insurance costs as proof of the improving reliability of his company’s Falcon 9 rockets.SpaceX的发射次数比任何其他国家或公司都多 , 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)强调其低保险费用 , 以证明其公司的Falcon 9火箭具有更高的可靠性 。“Last I checked, over a million dollarsless ... to insure a Falcon 9 mission,” Musk said in tweets Wednesday evening.“上次我检查了一下 , 减少了超过一百万美元……以确保猎鹰9号的飞行任务 , ”马斯克在周三晚上的推文中说 。财迷精选‖猎鹰9成功回收整流罩大降成本
Insurance on a launch is “the acid test” for the reliability of a rocket, Musk added in another tweet. A top space insurance underwriter, speaking on condition of anonymity, told CNBC thatMusk’s reference is true for insurance premiums, which are based on therocket’s price tag, but not for the insurance rate, which is based on themarket’s perceived reliability of the rocket.马斯克在另一条推文中补充说 , 发射时的保险是对火箭可靠性的“酸性测试” 。 一位不愿透露姓名的顶级太空保险承销商告诉CNBC , 马斯克的参考是针对保险费的 , 这是基于火箭的价格标签 , 而不是针对保险费率 , 而保险费率是基于市场对火箭的感知可靠性 。SpaceX advertises Falcon 9 rocketlaunches on its website with a $62 million price tag. The insurance rate on aFalcon 9 is about 4% currently, the underwriter said. That’s the same rate as competitors’similarly-capable rockets, such as the European launcher Arianespace’s Ariane 5 or U.S. rocket builder United Launch Alliance’s (ULA)Atlas V. But Ariane 5 and Atlas V launches go for upwards of $165 million each,meaning a Falcon 9 premium is about $2.5 million while its competitors’premiums would be in the range of $7 million.SpaceX在其网站上宣传猎鹰9号火箭的发射 , 价格为6200万美元 。 承销商说 , 目前猎鹰9号的保险率约为4% 。 这与竞争对手具有类似能力的火箭的价格相同 , 例如欧洲发射器Arianespace的Ariane 5或美国火箭制造商联合发射联盟(ULA)的AtlasV 。 但是 , Ariane 5和AtlasV的发射价格分别高达1.65亿美元 , 这意味着Falcon 9的保费约为250万美元 , 而竞争对手的保费将在700万美元左右 。
