is|【言谈录】人的大脑有可能完全自由,从而拥有惊人的能量吗?( 二 )
What is conflict? Please do not wait for me to answer it; that is no fun at all. Ask yourself that question, and give your mind to find out what is the nature of conflict. Conflict exists, surely, when there is duality: ‘me’ and ‘you’, my wife separate from me, the division between the meditator and meditation. So, as long as there is division between nationalities, between religions, between people, between the ideal and the fact, between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’, there must be conflict. That is a law. Wherever there is separation, the sense of division as the Arab and the Jew, the Hindu and the Muslim, the son and the father, and so on, there must be conflict. That is a fact.
冲突是什么?请不要等我来回答这个问题 , 那样一点儿都不好玩儿 。 问问你自己这个问题 , 用心去弄清楚冲突的本质是什么 。 当二元性存在时:“我”和“你” , 我妻子和我是分开的 , 冥想者和冥想之间是分离的 , 那么冲突就必然会存在 。 所以 , 只要存在各个国家、各派宗教、各种人群之间的划分 , 只要存在理想与现实、“现在如何”与“应当如何”之间的划分 , 就必然会存在冲突 。 这是一条铁律 。 无论哪里有分离 , 阿拉伯人与犹太人、印度教徒与穆斯林、父与子等等之间的划分 , 哪里就必然会有冲突 。 这是一个事实 。
That Benediction is Where You Are, Talk 1
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