
lucky ?
Other names made less sense. There was a Soddy, a Sanlee, a Ker. Somewere simply unfortunate: a very small boy called Pen, a very pretty girlnamed Coconut. One boy was called Daisy, a name that greatly dismayedDean Fu. The dean was a handsome man with blue-black hair, and he wasour main liaison with the English department—a position whose weight ofresponsibility often gave him a mournful air. He seemed particularly morosewhen he called me into his office to talk about Daisy.“That’s a girl’s name, isn’t it?” Dean Fu asked.“Yes,” I said. “Except now in America even girls don’t like that name.”“I remember it from The Great Gatsby,” Dean Fu said, smiling sadly. As astudent his specialty had been American literature, and he was familiar withvirtually all of the great twentieth-century novelists. He sighed and shookhis head.“Last year that student had a boy’s name,” said the dean. “He changed itover the summer. I don’t know why.”—— River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze by Peter Hessler
