
北周静帝宇文阐 , 大象元年(公元579年)始铸 。 面文“永通万国” , 玉箸篆 , “永通”意为永远通行 , “万国”示天下万国可用 。 字廓深峻 , 形体厚重 , 钱文和铸工均臻妙境 , 堪称“北周三品”之首 。
Yu wenchan, the emperor of the northern zhou dynasty, was cast in the first year of the elephant (AD 579). Article "yong tong" nations and YuZhuZhuan, "yong tong" means forever, "the nations in the world all nations are available. The character outline is deep, the form is heavy, the money culture and the casting work are all perfect, can be called "the north zhou three products" the first.
北周钱的艺术价值很高 , 但是当时的老百姓却不乐于使用这种钱 , 因为这三种钱都是虚值钱 。 “布泉”一枚当西魏五铢五枚 , “五行大布”当 “布泉”十枚 ,“永通万国”又当“五行大布”十枚 , 即一枚“永通万国”要合五百枚五铢钱 。 而当时民间交易依然有使用绢布、黄金、西方金银币的 , 所以不愿意使用这种虚值钱 。
The artistic value of money was very high in the northern zhou dynasty, but the common people at that time were not happy to use this kind of money, because the three kinds of money were all worthless. One piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht, one piece of cloth is five baht. At that time, there were still folk traders using silk cloth, gold, western gold and silver COINS, so they were not willing to use this kind of virtual value.


“永通万国”堪称虚值大钱之冠 , 民不乐用 , 流通时间不长 。 由于实行的虚价货币政策 , 所以“布泉”“五行大布”“永通万国”三种钱币后来亦逐渐减重 。 “永通万国”的出现 , 连同“布泉”、“五行大布”使北周三大美泉不仅在南北朝、乃至在我国以及世界铸币工艺史上 , 达到一个崭新的高度 。 币质为青铜 , 和少量铅钱 , 制作精致 。
"Yongtong wanguo" can be regarded as the crown of worthless fortune, the people are not happy to use, the circulation time is not long. As a result of the implementation of the virtual monetary policy, so "buquan", "five lines of cloth", "forever across the world" three COINS also gradually lost weight. The appearance of "forever connecting all the states", together with "buquan" and "five elements", made the three major beauty springs in the northern zhou dynasty reach a new height not only in the northern and southern dynasties, but also in the history of coinage in China and the world. It is made of bronze and a small amount of lead.
中国古钱币文化已有四、五千年的发展历史 , 它是反映悠久灿烂的华夏文明的主要标志之一 。 乱世黄金、盛世收藏 , 收藏和研究中国古钱币 , 对于陶冶人的情操、弘扬中华传统文化等都具有重要的意义 。
