品牌疫情之后,科技企业如何利用视频推动恢复和增长?( 三 )
So how should you get started with creating video content that advances your brand goals and drives growth?
Step 1: Formulate your goals and understand your audience.
第一步:制定目标并了解受众 。
What do you want your audience to believe after watching this video? Start at the end. Picture the idea scenario: your audience believes EXACTLY what you want them to believe about you. But what is that? That you're a great company that delivers excellent products? We usually don't believe vague, general statements. Think specific.
您希望受众观看视频后有哪些想法? 从头开始 。 设想下:您的受众将相信您所传递出的理念 。 但那是什么理念?您能提供出色产品 , 并且公司很有实力? 我们通常不会听信这种含糊的一般性陈述 。 思考具体点的 。
For example, you’ve seen how Alibaba or BYD have stepped up during COVID-19 times: you probably believe that these are companies that care about their employees and also believe in adapting their own tech for the betterment of humanity. You don’t need to do the same: this is just an example of how these companies have created media to make you believe certain things about them.
举个例子 , 您已经看到阿里巴巴或比亚迪在新冠期间仍奋勇前进:您可能会认为这些公司关心员工 , 会采用自己的技术来改善人类的生活 。 但您不需要做同样的事情:这只是作为企业如何创造媒体内容来让受众相信他们的一个示例 。
The trick is to see how your company has been doing something differently during COVID-19, or how you are adapting to the current situation, or how you can offer a solution to any of the problems that the current situation poses. And then imagine what you want the audience to remember about your solution. That’s your key message.
诀窍是了解您的企业在新冠期间如何做一些与众不同的事情 , 如何适应当前的特殊情况 , 如何针对当前情况出现的问题提供解决方案等 。 思考您希望受众对您的解决方案印象深刻的突破点 , 这是您的关键营销信息 。
Step 2: Develop a multi-platform approach:
Think of all the different platforms that your video can be published on: this helps you choose between different formats: for example, you can livestream on different international and Chinese platforms, and this format is very different from creating scripted videos. On your website or your company’s Linkedin page, though, you will want a more polished, shorter content instead of long livestreams.
总结所有可发布视频的平台:这将有助您挑选不同的内容形式:例如 , 您可以在不同的国际和国内平台进行直播 , 这种格式与剧本视频非常不同 。 在您的网站或公司的领英页面 , 您则需要更精美 , 更简短的内容 , 而不是长直播 。
Once you start thinking about the different platforms that your video can be used, you will realize how you have almost an infinite number of choices: if you make the right kind of video, you can also edit out different chunks of the same longer piece to use on different platforms. For example, if you create a review with an influencer, you can use parts of the review in blog posts on your website. Then you can link the blog post on your Linkedin page. And use snippets of the influencer review on your Douyin/TikTok and Instagram.
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