品牌疫情之后,科技企业如何利用视频推动恢复和增长?( 五 )
留意您的语调和风格:大多数消费者希望看到真诚、友好、有用的品牌 。他们希望看到的是真实 。如果您能破解这一点 , 向受众展示能与之共鸣的图像 , 而不是华而不实的内容 , 通过类似的视频内容方向让他们可以看到自己身临其境 , 那么您就赢得了受众的青睐 。
Step 5: Execute the video project:
Now you have to understand how you would like to execute the project: you have two choices - handling the video in-house or hiring an external resource to create the videos for you. The decision that you make will be influenced by how much budget and time you have. If you have a lot of time and not a lot of budget, you can try to create these videos in-house, especially if someone on your staff knows or is willing to learn how to develop videos. But if you don’t have a lot of time or access to in-house resources, consider hiring a production company that can help you strengthen and execute your vision. Your brand will benefit from the specialized expertise of a video company who knows what they’re doing and have experience helping brands grow.
现在 , 您必须了解如何执行该项目:您有两种选择-内部处理视频或雇用外部资源 。您做出的决定将受到预算和时间的影响 。如果您有很多时间但预算不多 , 尤其是当您的员工了解或愿意学习如何制作视频时 , 则可以尝试在内部制作视频 。但是 , 如果您没有太多时间或无法使用内部资源 , 请考虑雇用一家可以帮助您实现愿景的专业制片公司 。您的品牌将受益于视频公司的专业知识 , 他们知道自己在做什么 , 并且具有帮助品牌成长的经验 。
This is an extraordinary time for marketing and branding. You, as a brand, need to find your voice in the media chaos: this will enable you to step back and understand better who your brand persona really is, and how to communicate it to your target audience.
这是营销和品牌推广的非常时期 。作为一个品牌 , 您需要在媒体混乱中找到自己的声音:这将使您能够退后一步 , 更好地了解自己的品牌调性 , 以及如何将其传达给目标受众 。
Video is driving growth for brands, period. Get in on the game to power through and beyond COVID-19.
视频正在不断推动品牌的增长 。投入到这个“游戏”当中 , 充分利用这个特殊时期的机会并实现超越 。
(责任编辑:王治强 HF013)
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