品牌疫情之后,科技企业如何利用视频推动恢复和增长?( 二 )
Kantar China Insights报告称 , 中国消费者在新冠期间花费多达58%的时间观看视频 。这意味着消费者已改变了他们的媒体消费方式 。在新冠逐渐稳定后 , 许多消费者会逐渐养成观看更多视频内容的习惯 。这意味着您作为品牌拥有了前所未有的机会 - 在这个特殊时期可以多利用视频来增强品牌的声音 。
Gary V (serial entrepreneur and CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, servicing Fortune 500 clients) says: "We will be telling the stories of these past few months (during COVID-19) for the rest of our lives".
Gary V(VaynerMedia连续创业者 , CEO和联合创始人 , 为世界500强企业客户提供服务)表示:“我们将在余生讲讲新冠期间这几个月的故事” 。
You, as a brand, have a story to tell. Now, more than ever. So tell your story through video to connect more strongly with your consumers.
Real question is: what kind of videos should you make to power your growth post COVID-19?
您作为一个品牌 , 也可以来讲一个故事 。 机不可失 , 不如通过视频来讲述您的故事 , 可以与消费者建立更紧密的联系 。
问题是:在新冠之后 , 您应该制作什么样的视频来推动营收的增长?
The key is to think beyond your product launch video. You probably have a marketing plan in place that you are hoping to get back on track. That will happen, but if you only think of executing your marketing plan pre-COVID-19, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to speak to your audience in new ways.
关键在于 , 除了产品宣传片之外 , 您还有其他什么想法? 您可能已经制定了一个营销计划 , 希望能重回正轨 。那会照常进行 , 但是如果您只考虑在新冠之前执行营销计划 , 那么您将错失以新的方式与受众交谈的机会 。
Now is the time to create a strong voice for your brand, to stand apart from competition. So, in addition to your regular marketing videos, you should be, as a brand, looking into:
现在是时候为您的品牌树立强大的声音 , 使其在竞争中脱颖而出 。因此 , 除了常规的营销视频外 , 您作为一个品牌还应该研究:
· Sharing your brand story of how you are navigating COVID-19 and learning lessons: create short videos from you and your team on how you are coping so that others can learn and benefit.
分享您如何应对新冠疫情以及教育类视频的品牌故事:为您和团队制作有关如何应对疫情的短视频 , 以便他人可从中学习和受益
Livestreaming from your frontlines: do a live video from your factory visit to show how your assembly lines are doing. Create a video to showcase how you are testing your product at your office. Think of new ways to showcase your product as well as create value by sharing how you are working in interesting ways during COVID-19.
一线实时直播:工厂参观实时演示视频 , 让你的客户了解装配流水线的运行情况 。或者可以制作您在办公室测试产品的演示视频 。可以考虑有趣的方式来展示您的产品 , 并分享您一些在新冠期间的工作方式 , 创造价值 。
Create partnerships: This is the best time to strike up new partnerships and collaborations with other brands and products. You can do exclusive video interviews with top thought leaders, or create online video content in partnership with bigger brands to elevate your voice.
建立合作伙伴关系:这是与其他品牌和产品建立新合作伙伴关系的最佳时机 。您可以与顶尖思想领袖进行独家视频采访 , 也可以与更大的品牌合作创作在线视频内容 , 以提升您的品牌声音
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