强制戴口罩!纽约州长终于下命令了,“你没权利传染我!”( 二 )
You must wear a mask. Or cloth or an attractive bandana or a colour coordinated bandana cloth.
据美国消费者新闻与商业频道CNBC报道 , 科莫表示目前不会(给未执行者)开出罚单 , 但他并没有排除这一可能 。
While Cuomo said he's not going to impose fines right now, he didn't rule out the possibility.
《纽约时报》则称 , 纽约州将考虑对不遵守规定的人实施民事处罚 , 但不会实施刑事处罚 , 科莫说:“你不会因为不戴口罩而坐牢 。 ”
The state would consider issuing civil penalties to people who fail to abide by the order, but not criminal penalties: “You’re not going to go to jail for not wearing a mask,” Mr. Cuomo said.
科莫表示 , 他希望纽约州的居民们能够遵守规定 , “因为这是合理的 。 ”
He said he hopes New Yorkers follow the rule "because it makes sense."
据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学发布的数据 , 截至美国东部时间4月15日晚6时 , 美国新冠肺炎确诊约63.5万例 。 在疫情最为严重的纽约州 , 目前共确诊214452例 , 死亡11617例 。
《纽约时报》援引全美州长协会的数据称 , 纽约州是继新泽西州和马里兰州后 , 第三个在全州范围内 , 颁布类似佩戴口罩命令的州 。
New York, New Jersey and Maryland are so far the only states to have issued broad orders mandating face coverings in most public settings, according to the most recent information from the National Governors Association.
但相较而言 , 新泽西州的措施更为严格 。
上周 , 新泽西州州长菲利普·墨菲下达命令 , 规定所有在商店和其他重要场所内的民众 , 都必须佩戴口罩 。 除非你未满两周岁 , 或者身体状况不允许戴口罩 。
A similar rule was issued in New Jersey last week. The order, issued by Gov. Philip D. Murphy, made it mandatory for all people inside stores and other essential businesses to wear face coverings unless they are under 2 years old or have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask.
新泽西州一家杂货店外面的标牌提醒购物者进店需戴口罩 来源:纽约时报
随后 , 新泽西州各地的商店都竖起了警示牌 , 警告顾客不遮住脸不得进入店内 。 一些商店采取了更强硬的措施 , 要求没有遮盖面部的顾客离开 。
Signs have popped up at stores throughout New Jersey warning customers that they will not be allowed in unless they cover their faces. Some stores have taken a stronger stance, asking people without coverings to leave.
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