「that」人生乐观还是悲观 貌似基因说了才算
北京联盟_本文原题:人生乐观还是悲观 貌似基因说了才算
FORsome people in this world, the glass always seems to be half-full. For others it is half-empty. But how someone comes to have a sunny disposition in the first place is an interesting question.
在这个世界上 , 对于一些人来说 , 玻璃杯里的水似乎总是半满 。 对于另外一些人来说 , 玻璃杯里的水总是半空 。 但是乐观者是如何首先获得这种积极向上的天性的呢?这是个很有趣的问题 。
【「that」人生乐观还是悲观 貌似基因说了才算】It has been known for a long time that optimists see the world selectively, mentally processing positive things while ignoring negative ones, and that this outlook helps determine their health and well-being. In recent years, it has also become clear that carriers of a particular version of a particular gene are at higher risk than others of depression and attempted suicide when they face traumatic events. The gene in question lies in a region of the genome that promotes the activity of a second gene, which encodes a protein called the serotonin transporter. Serotonin is a messenger molecule that carries signals between nerve cells, and it is known to modulate many aspects of human behaviour, although the details are complex and controversial. The transporter protein recycles serotonin back into the cell that produced it, making it available for reuse, but also reducing the amount in the junctions between cells and thus, it is presumed, the strength of the signal.
长久以来人们知道 , 乐观者们选择性地看待这个世界 , 他们的心理处理那些积极的事情但是忽略那些消极的事情 , 人们还知道这种心态有利于乐观者们的健康和幸福 。 最近人们还清楚地发现对于有些携带某种特别形式的某种特别基因的人 , 他们在面对创伤性事件面前更加容易患上抑郁症 , 也更容易尝试自杀 。 这种特别的基因位于人类基因组的某个区域 , 这个区域激活第二种基因 , 而这第二种基因对所谓的血清素传输子进行蛋白质编码 。 血清素是一种信使分子 , 它传输神经细胞间的信号 。 人们还知道血清素调节人类行为的许多方面 , 尽管其中的细节很复杂而且对其解释也有争议 。 传输蛋白把血清素“回收”到产生它的细胞 , 使其能重复利用 , 但是这也减少了细胞间的节点数量 , 因此人们也认为减少了信号的强度 。
It has looked increasingly likely, therefore, that genes—particularly those connected with serotonin—have a role to play in shaping a person’s outlook. So Elaine Fox and her colleagues at the University of Essex, in Britain, wondered whether genes play a part in the selective attention to positive or negative material, with consequent effects on outlook.
因此 , 人们越来越发现基因——特别是与血清素相关的基因很可能对人们形成“世界观”有作用 。 所以来自英国埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex) 的Elaine Fox 和她的同事想知道基因是否在对积极或者消极事件的选择性注意上起一定的作用 , 从而影响“世界观” 。
To find out, they took samples of DNA from about 100 people and then subjected these people to what is known as the dot-probe paradigm test to see how they reacted to different stimuli. In this test participants are briefly shown photographs that may be positive, negative or neutral in tone. They then have to press a keypad to indicate when a dot has appeared on the screen. It has been found by experience that the more distracting an image is, the longer a person takes to respond when the dot appears. That allowed Dr Fox and her team to discover how distracting particular people found particular images.
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