这个说法不是最近的而是十年前的。此外,这是谣言。以下来自国外某辟谣网站:University of Arkansas\u0026#39; Division of Agriculture has outlined in a paper, there are several reasons why poultry raised for food and egg production in the U.S. are not (and cannot be) given steroids to promote rapid growth:Chickens have been bred through genetic selection for several decades to produce birds that grow larger and faster, on less feed, than chickens of earlier eras. Giving growth hormones to modern farmed poultry would be pointless, as those birds could not possibly grow any faster.Hormones must be injected, not consumed through the intake of feed, in order to work. Chickens would have to be injected with growth hormones on a regular basis, a far too expensive and labor-intensive process for poultry farmers to undertake.The FDA banned the use of hormones in poultry production by 1960.Read more at snopes.com: Chicken Wings and Ovarian Cysts简单翻译以下为啥这是谣言:1. 现在工业化养殖的鸡都是通过几十年基因优选出来的,和几十年前生长速度快吃的少。在现代化肉鸡养鸡场使用生长激素是毫无意义的。这些鸡已经不能长得更快了。2. 荷尔蒙只有通过注射才能起作用。在养鸡场给鸡注射荷尔蒙从直接价格上和人工费上都是相当不合理的。(同理,你深度烹饪过的鸡翅就算含有少量荷尔蒙也不容易被吸收)3. 美国FDA禁止了鸡肉的荷尔蒙使用。(虽然不适用中国)而抗生素。。。对人体是无害的,但是滥用对整个生态系统来说,可以提高病原体的抗药性(某种意义上说,就是把病原体中抗药的给选出来,和优选鸡种异曲同工)
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