『设计』深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL
竞赛方案名为“腾讯水晶城” , 注重将自然、社会和科技融合到项目中 , 充分体现灵活性、生态环境和创新的理念 。
腾讯水晶城是SHL方案对全球最大的互联网公司之一腾讯的新园区所畅想的激动人心的愿景 。
Known as “Tencent Crystal City” the proposal focusses on combining nature, community and technology into a project that maximizes flexibility, ecology and innovation.
Tencent Crystal City is an ambitious vision driven by one of the world’s largest internet companies Tencent.
项目旨在为腾讯员工开创200万平方米空间 , 集办公室、住宅、会议中心、酒店、配套的培训、健康、运动设施及基础设施于一体 。
SHL的竞赛方案打破了城市规划的惯例 , 一系列金字塔型、水晶般熠熠生辉的结构 , 既提供了宽敞的楼层面积(按业主要求) , 又满足了更紧凑、更规则的楼层布局 。
The project aims to create 2 million sq meters of space for Tencent employees focusing on workspace, residences, a convention center, a hotel, and supporting facilitiesfor education, health, sport and infrastructure.
The proposal breaks away from the typical urban planning typologies in favor of a series of pyramidal crystal-like structures that provide both large scale floor plans (required by the client) to smaller more regular floor plates.
光彩夺目的水晶造型既是整个园区的焦点 , 也是前海湾的新标志 。 多面的外形象征着腾讯的丰富多彩 , 众多部门齐心协力 , 发挥全球影响力 。
The crystalline shapes of the campus seek to create an iconic focal point for the entire district, and a new symbol for Qianhai. The multifaceted form of the project reflects Tencent itself; a company with many different divisions working together to create global impact.
Qianhai Green Loop
竞赛方案的新园区将扩展环绕前海湾的大型公共环形园区 。 郁郁葱葱的湿地公园将向公众全面开放 , 成为深圳游客和居民眼中的新地标建筑 。 总部大楼两侧都有繁茂的绿植 , 为邻近繁忙的集装箱港口提供缓冲区 , 也提供了活力满满的滨水公共空间 。
The new district will become an extension of the grand public ring around Qianhai Bay. A rich wetlands park is designed to connect directly with an entirely public level that will become a new landmark in Shenzhen for visitors and residents. Generous green spaces are designed on either side of the headquarters buildings in order to provide a buffer from the neighboring container port and to provide active waterfront public spaces.
Icon for a New Economy
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