[传染病]致海外返保人员的一封公开信( 二 )
III.Minimize outdoor activities.
Avoid crowded places, parties and group activities. Correctly wear a mask (preferably a surgical mask) if you have to go and attend one. If you have mild to severe respiratory symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue,or the temperature over 37.3℃, please pay attention to personal protection, go to the fever clinics nearby with a mask on as soon as possible, and receive a quarantine, medical observation and treatment.
IV. Increase prevention and self-protection.
Keep good hygiene by washing your hands often with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer. Maintain proper ventilation and keep rooms clean. Avoid close contact with wild animals or birds; eggs and meat must be thoroughly cooked before consumption.
Baoding is the city we all fondly call home and hold dear to our hearts. In the time of difficulties, we need to stay unified in solidarity to protect and defend our city.
Leading group of Baoding Municipal Government on the prevention and control of COVID-19
8th March 2020
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