have|高考英语必看的96个熟词生义、70个短语、50个金句这!( 二 )

26 .drive v .迫使某人( 做不好的事)( 熟义:v. 驾驶)
Hunger drove her to steal.
27 .divorce v. 使分离;使脱离( 熟义:v. 与某人离婚)
You can’t divorce science from ethical questions.
28 .draw v .获得 , 取得 , 推断出( 熟义:v. 画;拖;拉)
What moral are we to draw from the story?
29 .express n. 快车( 熟义:v. 表达)
Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?
30 .encourage v. 促进 , 助长 , 刺激( 熟义:vt. 鼓励;激励)
Good health encourages clear thinking.
31 .escape v. 被忘掉;被忽视( 熟义:v. 逃跑;逃脱)
The name escapes me for the moment.
32 .explode v. 勃然大怒;大发雷霆( 熟义:v. 爆炸;爆裂)
I’m about to explode!He broke his promise again.
33 .exploit v .利用( 熟义:v. 开发;开采;剥削)
You must exploit every opportunity to learn English.
34. fire vt. 解雇( 熟义:v. 开火 , 射击)
Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作 , 否则你将被解雇 。
35. fine vt. 罚款( 熟义:adj.好的)
If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, you'll be fined.如果你对红灯不予理睬 , 强行过马路 , 你将被罚款 。
36. fall n. 秋天( 熟义:v. 掉落)
In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落 。
37 .fail v. 不足;缺乏( 熟义:v. 失败)
Last year the rain failed and many crops died.
38 .foreign adj. 不熟悉的( 熟义:adj. 外国的;外交的)
The subject is foreign to all of us.
39 .fresh adj. 无经验的( 熟义:adj. 新鲜的)
She is quite fresh to the work.
40. flat n. 一套房间( 熟义:adj. 水平的 , 平坦的)
I have a flat in this building. 我在这幢楼里有一套房间 。
41. green adj. 青的 , 生的( 熟义:n. 绿色)
These apples are still green, you can't pick them.这些苹果还未成熟 , 请别摘 。
42. gift n. 天资 , 才能( 熟义:n. 礼物)
He has a gift for music. 他有音乐天赋 。
43. good n. 好处 , 利益( 熟义:adj. 好的)
We study for the good of the people. 我们为人民利益而学习 。
44 .gain v.( 钟表) 快( 熟义:v. 获得;赢得)
Don’t worry.My watch gains.We still have time.
45 .ground n. 理由( 熟义:n. 地面)
He has strong grounds for more money.
46 .govern vt. 影响;支配( 熟义:v. 管理;控制)
The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
47. hold vt. 容纳 , 盛得下( 熟义:v. 抓住)
Our classroom can hold 100 students. 我们的教室可容纳100个学生 。
48 .hit n .成功;红极一时的人或事( 熟义:v. 击中 , 打击)
He is quite a hit of this year.
49. interest n. 利益( 熟义:n. 兴趣v.对 。。。 感兴趣)
I criticize you for your interest. 我批评你是为了你好 。
50. iron n. 熨斗( 熟义:n. 铁)
She is pressing her dress with an iron. 他在用熨斗烫衣服 。
51 .ill adj.& adv. 坏的/ 地( 熟义:adj. 生病的)
It’s no good speaking ill of others.
52 .interest n. 利益;股份( 熟义:n. 兴趣)
Our family has interests in the business.
53 .invite v. 吸引( 熟义:v. 邀请)
