怎样看待最近爆出的 IE 全版本执行漏洞(CVE-2014-6332)( 四 )
If we have the ability to read arbitrary memory and create arbitrary VT_DISPATCH and VT_UNKNOWN pointers, and we have some ability to control data in memory — either through ordinary heap data we can use with our VBScript and/or data we can touch and change (compatibility testing passes) — we should have no trouble creating Windows API calls. This happens to be another method Yang presented and called “Interdimensional Code Execution.” In fact, using it to disable DEP is possible but somewhat of a waste of an elegant approach for a sledgehammer result.
Hopefully, if you’ve made it this far, you have a pretty good idea how powerful the data attacks facilitated by this bug can be. Again, our disclosure was originally submitted a number of months ago, and while we are not exclusive with the exploitation techniques described, it contributes well toward our goal of describing a significant vulnerability and how it was turned into a viable proof-of-concept attack toward disclosure. We incorporated product coverage for the OLE vulnerability with our network IPS, and so far, the signature we developed has not fired. However, for the attack techniques discussed, I think it is a only matter of time before we see them in the wild.
一般多去freebuf有惊喜Win95+IE3 – Win10+IE11全版本执行漏洞(含POC)
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