资料图:空军一架轰炸机在南海上空绕道巡航 。
On Tuesday, a Lockheed U-2 high altitude reconnaissance aircraft trespassed into the no-fly zone, and "seriously disrupted China's routine training activities," Wu said, adding the maneuver also seriously violated China-US maritime and flight safety codes and international norms.吴谦说 , 今日 , 美U-2高空侦察机擅自闯入中国人民解放军北部战区实弹演习禁飞区活动 , 严重干扰中方正常演训活动 , 严重违反中美海空安全行为准则及相关国际惯例 。
单词reconnaissance的读音是[r kɑn sns] , 表示“(对某地区的)侦察或观测(尤指为军事目的)” , 比如 , unmanned air vehicle for intelligence reconnaissance(情报侦察无人机) ,reconnaissance aircraft(侦察机)等 。 空中装备体系的其他飞机机型还包括:战斗机 fighter jet;轰炸机 bomber;预警机 early warning aircraft;武装直升机 armed helicopter等 。
Trespass这个词可以用作名词或动词 , 表示“非法闯入、擅自进入” , 其核心意思就是“unlawful,uninvited(不合法 , 未经允许)” 。 比如旅游景区里一些不允许游人进入的区域会在入口处挂一个牌子 , 上面写着“No Trespassing” 。 而对这样的警示视而不见 , 擅自闯入的人就是trespasser 。
"The incident can very easily lead to misunderstanding and misjudgment, and may even lead to an accident," he said. "It is also a blatant act of provocation that China resolutely opposes and has lodged solemn representations with the US side."该事件极易引发误解误判甚至造成海空意外事件 , 是赤裸裸的挑衅行动 , 中方对此坚决反对 , 并已向美方提出严正交涉 。
这句话里面我们可以学习一些外交辞令 , 比如 , 坚决反对(resolutely/firmly oppose) , 提出严正交涉(lodge solemn representations with...) 。 其他类似的外交辞令还有:表示强烈愤慨(express strong indignation)、强烈谴责(strongly condemn)等 。
Wu said China has urged the US to stop similar provocations, and take concrete actions to maintain regional peace and stability.中方要求美方立即停止此类挑衅行动 , 以实际行动维护本地区和平稳定 。
外交惯例customary diplomatic practices
国际关系基本准则the basic norms of international relations
【禁飞区|】维护国家主权、安全、发展利益protect national sovereignty, security and development interests
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