谢邀。很抱歉,不是很熟悉计算机视觉方面的东西。不过CRAN上确实提供了一些和目前仍处于支持中的计算机视觉有关的package,这里列一些给你:CRAN - Package ptinpoly: 判断点座标与2D或3D多边形的关系 CRAN - Package DistatisR: Implement DiSTATIS and CovSTATIS (three-way multidimensional scaling). For the analysis of multiple distance/covariance matrices collected on the same set of observations. CRAN - Package biOps: This package includes several methods for image processingand analysis. It provides geometric, arithmetic, logic,morphologic (supported on one channel images only), look-uptables, edge detection (including Roberts, Sobel, Kirsch,Marr-Hildreth and Canny, among others) and convolution masksoperations (predefined commons masks already defined and userdefined applications). Isodata and k-means classificationmethods are also provided (standard, kd-tree and brute forcemethods implemented). Fast Fourier Transform methods andfilters also available if fftw3 installed. Supports jpeg andtiff images so far (more image support in future versions).libtiff and libjpeg libraries installed required. CRAN Task View上面的 CRAN Task View: Medical Image Analysis 提供了有用的的信息。如果仅仅是读取图像文件,那么CRAN - Package jpeg, CRAN - Package png, CRAN - Package bmp, CRAN - Package readbitmap.不过从Google搜索 computer vision site:r-project.org 来看,R对计算机视觉和图像处理算法的实现确实不多,同样的问题Quora上也有人提问:R (software): Is there a package for computer vision in R? 你可以跟踪该问题。不过另一个不错的解决方案是通过R连接Java,然后用ImageJ来实现图像处理。首先确保安装CRAN - Package rJava,然后下载一个ImageJ,之后看看如何用rJava调用ImageJ的对象。曾经有过一个RImageJ扩展包,同样也没有维护了,退出了CRAN,只能自己整了。希望上面的信息对你有帮助。
EBImage, 只需要:source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")biocLite("EBImage")就Ok了参考:http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/EBImage.html
【用R语言怎样读取图像和视频文件】 imager,还算不错了
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