「汽车」用英文教宝宝认汽车(上)13种车型:轿车、SUV、跑车、面包车......( 二 )
跑车有两个座位 , 零碎儿较少 , 后备箱空间小 。
with more than average power in the engine,
发动机动力水平高于平均值 ,
and is less comfortable, and lighter weight overall.
不那么舒适 , 总重量较轻 。
That one's a MazdaMiata.
那辆是马自达米亚达 。
See how the roof is fabric.
看 , 车顶是布的 。
It's also a convertible-- the roof can come off.
它还是敞篷车——车顶可以打开 。
It's great to drive on pleasant sunny days.
在晴朗的日子驾驶它是很愉悦的事 。
Child: That's the one I want!
I would go so fast.
我会开得很快 。
That's definitely not a sports car behind the Mazda.
马自达后面那辆肯定不是跑车 。
That's a van,I know that.
那是辆面包车 , 我知道 。
It's for moving lots of people or stuff.
它用来运输较多人或货物 。
Mom: Yes, it has 7 to 8 seats
妈妈:嗯 , 它有7到8个座位 ,
and sliding doorsin the back.
后边有滑动门 。
A minivanis just a smaller van
厢式旅行车就是较小的面包车 ,
Minivan是一种美国的汽车分类类型 , GL8等车型在国内被称为商务车或MPV 。
and is popular withlarge families.
比较受大家庭的欢迎 。
Child: Well, what does Grandpa use?
宝宝:嗯 , 爷爷开的什么?
Mom: He has a pickup truck.
妈妈:他有一辆皮卡 。
It has a closed caband an open cargo areacalled the bed,
它有封闭驾驶室 , 还有开放 的载货区叫货箱 ,
which has a tailgate.
带有后挡板 。
Child: Whoa, look at that tiny car!
宝宝:哇 , 看那辆小车!
What are those called?
Mom: That's a microcar.
妈妈:那是微型车 。
It's a very small car made for 1 or 2 people.
它是很小的车 , 只能乘坐1到2人 。
That one's a Smart Car.
那辆是 Smart 。
There is also a compact car,
还有紧凑型车 ,
but that is more like a small sedan.
但是它就像小轿车 。
More basicand cheaper than the sedan,
比轿车更基础、更便宜 ,
but definitely bigger than a microcar.
但是肯定比微型车大 。
Take a look at that one.
看一下那辆 。
It's a hatchback, which means that the back opens upwards.
它是掀背车 , 意思是后备箱盖可以向上打开 。
英文里没有两厢车和三厢车的概念 , 而是用车型表达 , 比如hatchback就是一种典型的两厢车 。
从之前一个认为财富就是可以购买一切的人 , 到现在才认识到 , 财富是可以创造出来的 , 在后面的文章当中 , 我会分享关于财富的种种文章 , 也会加上自己的实践 , 还有别人的经验 , 都分享给大家 , 让大家可以了解到 , 我们应该这么可以创造更多的财富 , 财富的真正来源是什么?
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